Example sentences of "[prep] different " in BNC.

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1 These include : pedal cycles for a clinic allowing nurses to get out to outlying villages ; health care kits to help with the care of patients in their own homes ; training for different agencies ; and a variety of education initiatives .
2 But I think it 's probably different for different people .
3 Having found both America and Canada limiting — for different reasons — he took the only other course open to him , he went east : to Europe which then meant London .
4 It is because we internally use our visual information and our sound information in different ways and for different purposes that the sensations of seeing and hearing are so different .
5 one of these was the compensation pendulum , in which brass and steel are used to move freely and compensate for different co-efficients of expansion .
6 It contains practical suggestions for different activities , and includes a set of worksheets which can be photocopied to help with planning and record keeping .
7 Chris Lysons , Great Harwood 's goalkeeper , will remember her first National League game for different reasons .
8 DRAINED by the exercise of inferring what was holding together two pieces of stick inside a cardboard box , a first-year science pupil at Gillingham comprehensive school in north Dorset advanced the opinion that the national curriculum was ‘ just another posh name for different subjects ’ .
9 While making no overt concessions , he told lawyers and judges at the Middle Temple in London that discussions between a proposed advisory committee , the Law Society and senior judges ‘ may lead to different conclusions for different types of case , and most important of all , our conclusions may change in the light of experience ’ .
10 Policemen also disliked dealing with rape , although obviously for different reasons .
11 Where we asked for marks out of ten , or thermometer ratings out of a hundred , we can use relative scores for different parties to construct measures of preference .
12 The Cabinet , however , even though shorn of Crosland , and also of Roy Jenkins on the right and Barbara Castle on the left for different reasons , still remained credible as an agent of authority , and in the early months of 1977 Britain slowly emerged towards a plateau of greater tranquillity and modest economic recovery .
13 Above all , there was a general belief that , after three decades of social welfare and redistributive taxation , the spirit of Beveridge and ‘ fair shares ’ was not dead , and that Britain was a far more equitable society than before the war , with more genuine opportunity for different classes and races .
14 Nor , again , would local authorities be prevented from continuing to build at something like the present rate — though ( as will presently be shown ) for different purposes .
15 To the modern reader the stipulated dress codes for different classes and persons of different prestige and status seem bizarre and impossibly complicated ( see for instance those reprinted in Jardine , Still Harping , 143 — 4 ) .
16 S/he is a strange and disturbing figure still , though now for different reasons from in the Renaissance .
17 Thus containment can effect rather than defeat change ( and this does not presuppose the desirability or otherwise of that change ; it might be reaction or progress or , as in this play , complex elements of both with each differently appropriated for different audience positions ) .
18 So apparently they were ‘ popular ’ , for different reasons , with both Christian and native American , with oppressor and oppressed .
19 It used to be the normal practice to adapt buildings for different purposes over their lives .
20 Thanks to improved fragrance technology , perfumers are now able to offer us subtly differing strengths of the same scent for different moments during the day : eau de parfum ( freshest of all ) eau de toilette , parfum de toilette , esprit de parfum , parfum — or even , for some famous names , parfum extra , ideal for knocking 'em dead at several paces .
21 Essentially three loan packages are available for different income groups .
22 Others followed , but for different reasons .
23 On January 9 the Children 's Legal Centre is holding a Young People 's Congress for different interest groups ( Young Guardian will be covering the event ) .
24 ‘ However , unlike previous years , the determinations this year provide for different guideline rent increases in different authorities . ’
25 The same could be said , but for different reasons , of one member of his retinue — small , big appetite , wears a black furry coat — who , rather uncomfortably , bears witness to the days of Anglo-Romanian entente .
26 Mr Jencks concludes that to search for a comprehensive policy to tackle the underclass is a waste of time ; different policies are needed for different problems that may be only loosely related .
27 Chairman Tom O'Reilly took a similar view but for different reasons .
28 Feelings were running high at all plants , but for different reasons .
29 Different techniques are chosen for different materials .
30 This technique has been used to find the amounts of elements such as iron , sodium , potassium , aluminium , calcium , magnesium , lithium and phosphorus in the flint , and it was the concentrations of these elements which were different for different mines .
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