Example sentences of "[unc] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bound up with this change , and giving further impetus to it , was a shift in the centre of bargaining from national to local level — to the ‘ militancy and dynamise de la base ’ [ Phelps Brown , 1975 , 5 ] which had not suffered the searing experience of mass unemployment .
2 Three of four patients with the highest faecal bile acid losses had normal or near normal fat excretions of 4.5 , 6.9 , and 7.1 g/24 hours .
3 Stool wet weight and far content were expressed as g/24 hours .
4 The excretion of normal subjects is less than 7 g/24 hours .
5 Patients with an increase in H 2 20 ppm malabsorbed 18.30 ( 2.60 ) g of carbohydrate and those with >7 g/24 hours of faecal fat malabsorbed 15.55 ( 1.90 ) g of fat .
6 All our patients who had evidence of fat malabsorption ( faecal fat >7 g/24 hours ) malabsorbed complex carbohydrate ( increase in H 2 20 ppm ) as well , and there was a significant correlation between faecal fat and amount of malabsorbed carbohydrate .
7 AS FRENCH outrage at the dismissal of charges against M Paul Touvier for alleged crimes committed during the Nazi occupation grew yesterday , the National Assembly suspended its afternoon session so that deputies could attend a demonstration at the Memorial of Deportation on the Ile de la Cite .
8 Bargain set menus change with the market and are the best choice : Connaught-trained chef whisks up ultra-light leek terrine layered like lasagne , heaps of appley duck with green pasta tower , and neatly balanced fish casserole a la Dieppoise ; there 's also a meaty crab tart ( £3.95 ) and a choc pave as rich as the neighbourhood .
9 These were constructed on standard BR underframes and mounted on BR2 bogies , which were later replaced by B5 bogies ; the body contour was as the two 1941 saloons and power car .
10 A strong indication that the Muftilik was in existence by at least the middle of Murad II 's reign , however , is given in the words of the fifteenth-century Burgundian courtier Bertrandon de la Broquière .
11 Sent by Philip the Good , Duke of Burgundy , to spy out routes for a possible overland crusade , de la Broquière started on his mission from Jaffa and worked his way slowly northward , arriving eventually at Bursa where he stayed some ten days .
12 As Murad II happened to be in Serez at the time , de la Broquière and his companions , one of whom was Benedetto Folco da Forli , the ambassador of the Duke of Milan , set out to meet him .
13 De la Broquière 's book contains much of interest in relation to the appearance , personality and habits of Murad II and to his military forces , but the passage of particular interest for a study of the Muftilik occurs in his description of Murad " s entry into Edirne : " Et alerent au devant de luy [ le Grant Turc ] le grant caliphe qui est entre eulx ainsi que le pape est entre nous , et aussi toutes les notables gens de la ville qui furent en grant nombre .
14 It would seem , then , that de la Broquière 's statement not only provides good evidence of the existence of the office of Mufti in 836/1433 but also suggests that the Mufti was by then recognizably the chief representative of the spiritual authority of the Seriat , the chief representative of the religious aspect of the state .
15 The fact that it is at least possible that Molla Yegan and Fahreddin Acemi held office contemporaneously for part of their respective appointments is of some help in trying to establish the identity of de la Broquière 's " grand caliph " ; for although Molla Yegan should have been Mufti in 1433 if his Muftilik and that of Fahreddin Acemi are viewed as successive rather than contemporaneous , de la Broquière 's statement applies rather better to Fahreddin Acemi than to Molla Yegan for several reasons .
16 The fact that it is at least possible that Molla Yegan and Fahreddin Acemi held office contemporaneously for part of their respective appointments is of some help in trying to establish the identity of de la Broquière 's " grand caliph " ; for although Molla Yegan should have been Mufti in 1433 if his Muftilik and that of Fahreddin Acemi are viewed as successive rather than contemporaneous , de la Broquière 's statement applies rather better to Fahreddin Acemi than to Molla Yegan for several reasons .
17 In the first place , as has been shown above , de la Broquière 's comparison of the Mufti with the Pope suggests a personage whose main characteristic was his spiritual rather than his temporal authority , a description which fits Fahreddin Acemi more closely than it does Molla Yegan .
18 There is in any event nothing in de la Broquière 's description to suggest that the grand caliph was not resident in Edirne .
19 N05 Coin Collection ( Part B of 1 Star/2 Star/3 Star )
20 The inter-media decision
21 Virtually any Arts and Crafts or Art Nouveau building can be assumed to have had a highly elaborate shopfront beneath .
22 Mum wa mum !
23 Lady Macbeth succeeds in calming him by her usual tactics of scornful reductivism : ‘ When all 's done , /You look but on a stool ’ ( 67f. ) , and mockery of his cowardice : ‘ What ! quite unmanned in folly ? ’ ( 73 ) .
24 Sar Sarah 's engagement ring ?
25 no , this guy called Bob , Sar Sarah and me and my usually self wanted to get back , make it serious but he was n't interested
26 A very reasonable £139 buys the Encore SW18 acoustic .
27 It 's melancholy and difficult and it can be stressful but that does n't stop the sub- text from sometimes being extremely funny . ’
28 It has failed to collect subscriptions from its 700,000 members and is saddled with loss-making projects , such as the journal la Lettre du hérisson , which costs FFr250,000 for a circulation of 1,000 copies .
29 On the day of transfection , the medium was replaced with 3 ml αMEM plus 1% FBS containing 10 µg plasmid DNA and 10 µg/ml of poly-L-ornithine ( Sigma , P3655 ) , dispensed from a 10 mg/ml sterile water stock solution , and incubated at 37°C with gentle mixing every 1.5 hours .
30 +Altered responsibility in April 1989 reshuffle [ i.e. not as wrongly given on p. 36597 ] .
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