Example sentences of "[conj] go " in BNC.

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1 Verbal presentations often fail because the speaker tries to cram too much into too short a time , or goes on for far too long .
2 We do n't need whining leftie bands like The Farm droning on about justice and equality now that Britain is such a wonderful place , where nobody sleeps in a cardboard box or goes hungry or gets busted for the colour of their skin or dies of hypothermia , where pigs fly and the sun always shines and where kids from council estates have just as much chance of becoming millionaires as — say — kids who inherit a million pounds from mummy and daddy .
3 Setting prices in relation to costs is all right as long as the latter are under control , but here they clearly are n't : it is obvious that if Marie 's back is turned , food either gets wasted or goes missing .
4 Det Sgt Stimpson said : ‘ She searches him every time he comes home or goes out , and she keeps his bedroom bare of the usual toys and clutter so that she can see at a glance whether he has hidden any stolen property . ’
5 The speller is confused about whether the e stays or goes .
6 These factors include : whether the interval is within a particular hour or goes across hours ; and whether or not the minutes are multiples often .
7 If my mum wants to go out , or goes to work , I stay at home and look after the girls , and vice versa .
8 Who comes or goes in these rooms is my business , not yours ! ’
9 Who cares whether Eva Burrows stays or goes .
10 Anyone who boards a certain ferry or walks down a certain street or enters a certain building or goes through a certain door disappears for ever into that other city . ’
11 What happens when Mrs B goes on holiday or goes off sick ?
12 5.1 If at any time before completion of the Lease the Tenant ( being an individual ) dies or has a receiving order made against him or is adjudicated bankrupt or ( being a company ) has a petition presented for its winding up or goes into liquidation or ( in either case ) enters into a composition with his or its creditors then the provisions of clause 5.4 shall have effect immediately
13 Where the " source " for a story dies , or is out of the country , or has been promised confidentiality , or goes back on what he said , the difficulties of proving the truth of a true statement may be too great .
14 First , whereas the implied terms relating to goods supplied under a contract of sale , or any other type of supply contract , are classified by statute as conditions , the implied term requiring work to be performed with reasonable skill and care will normally be an intermediate stipulation ( SGSA 1982 , s13 ) so that breach will only justify termination of the contract if the breach is serious or goes to the root of the contract .
15 Well he does , he goes in on Saturdays very often , he goes in on Sundays very often , you know , goes up to have a look at a site or goes into the office to look over something in peace without the phone ringing all that 's sort of thing , he puts in a lot of time that 's not strictly accounted for , Gerry did , I did as a teacher , but then we were well paid .
16 What is the real temptation , he wrote , to stop or to go on ?
17 travel to arrange the funeral , or to go to the funeral ( one return journey only )
18 Or you may be a carer looking for help to enable you to take a break , either for regular short spells , or to go on holiday or in an emergency .
19 After deciding we like a band , we would consider whether to make singles with an option for an album , or to go straight for an album .
20 He can not forbid the Common Law Courts to try an action ; but he can forbid a man to bring it , or to go on with it , or to take advantage of the judgement which he has got , and can put him in prison if he does not obey .
21 Or to go to the police and report her as a Fifth Columnist . ’
22 So Zuwaya said it was indecent for a father and his sons to listen together to women drumming at circumcisions , or to go to weddings together — even to speak about weddings to each other .
23 According to Foujita , the dealer 's ‘ method ’ was ‘ to sit reading a paper on the esplanade or to go into hotels , presumably with a rendezvous with a duke or some important person , but nothing came of all this ’ .
24 When he can walk outside confidently , the patient can plan to increase the distance he walks , or to go on the same route , but taking less time to complete his walk .
25 If they did set out on a journey , it was usually on business or a pilgrimage or to go to war .
26 Before the industrial revolution of the early nineteenth century people travelled mainly for two reasons : either for business , or to go on a pilgrimage .
27 Agnes stood directly in front of her mother now as she said , ‘ Would it do you any harm either to go down into the shop or to go over to the house and change the linen ?
28 Even if you do n't need the money for domestic or emergency reasons , you might need a holiday somewhere special — to go to your daughter 's wedding in Australia — or to go on a second honeymoon .
29 Except to tell me to stop or to go on neither of them spoke throughout the whole hour of the journey to Amsterdam .
30 They express current mood , state of finance , preparation to take part in sport , or to go to work .
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