Example sentences of "[adv] quite " in BNC.

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1 Now , as John Bowker has pointed out in the first article in this series , ‘ to say that God is not affected by His creatures is not to say that He takes no interest in them ’ , nor that , seen from our viewpoint as creatures in time and space , God can not do one thing at one moment and something apparently quite different the next .
2 Though apparently quite spry , the old men 's memories are not what they once were .
3 It is odd — one of the anomalies of science — that it is possible to look at a single entity as if it were either one thing or another , apparently quite different thing .
4 He had a bad squint anyway , but now his two eyes seemed completely dissociated from each other and wandered restlessly round different comers of his head , apparently quite out of control and enjoying their surprising liberty .
5 The Foreign Office during the competition period was certainly aware that it was taking place but apparently quite unaware of its implications . ’
6 Further north , between the Cannington thrust and the Variscan Front , is a zone of folded but apparently quite unmetamorphosed ranks represented prominently at outcrop by the Carboniferous Limestone .
7 The sequence in hand was apparently quite simple : we met up with another yacht and sailed in company , then came across a fishing boat to whose skipper I shouted , ‘ Have you any fish to spare ? ’
8 The only oddities were the ( apparently quite normal ) clouds of smoke exuded by the Marbore IIs on shut-down and the speed with which the fuel bowser zoomed around the corner to refill our tanks .
9 Births in a family which pre-date a marriage or follow it by only a very few months were increasingly common and apparently quite acceptable in the late 18th century ; here in Victorian London , however , the suspiciously early arrival of little Benjamin James ( on 11 December 1846 — rather less than nine months after the marriage ) was regarded , it seems , with a touch of disquiet .
10 Another glance at me , apparently quite free of guile .
11 Simultaneously , Boardrooms across the USA began to accept that it was not always possible or desirable to rely entirely upon home-grown talent , and that managers and executives could be interchangeable between apparently quite different types of business .
12 The tough leathery top surface of a mature leaf is not so easy to penetrate as the softer epidermis of the underside , which is why mildew in particular can often be found by turning over leaves that are glossy and apparently quite healthy , even protected by fungicidal deposit , on the top .
13 The second item of erm correspondence is from Bromley 's Bromley 's Social Services , if you remember , we 've got this on going campaign on home helps and along side that we 've got erm , we did hear of t his home shopping erm campaign that Bromley do , apparently quite successfully , the MP has mentioned that , so I thought I 'd get some details of that erm , it gives the whole procedure for , for the er shopping and the delivery and the Social Services pay out for it , they pay a charge , erm if you 'd like this copied , I could get copies for the next meeting , but meanwhile I 'd recommend that erm we take it up with Benefits Action tomorrow on the campaign .
14 Navigating , even across apparently quite featureless terrain , is not too difficult with a quarter mill — provided you follow the rules , ignore the CAA 's omissions when necessary , and remain as current with your quarter mill technique as you are with your flying .
15 Jakob Lindberg 's artful contributions on the theorbo and archlute — walking basses , ornamentation in slow movements and firm , resonant puntato accompaniments — add unprecedented richness to the textures created by the strings and organ in the selections from Op. 1 especially Nos. 8 , 9 and 11 ) ; that they have been closely miked ( apparently quite deliberately ) may mean that it would be difficult , if not impossible , to recreate these effects in a live performance , which inevitably calls into question their ‘ authenticity ’ .
16 Unity seemed to be an impossibility in 1910 : men 's and women 's interests were apparently quite incompatible .
17 My set-up seems to suit these fish — my last Plec lived apparently quite happily for 15 years , and the latest arrival has soon settled down and is growing very quickly .
18 Some integrins are apparently quite specific in their ligand-binding properties — for example , α5β1 for the arginine , glycine , and asparetic acid ( -arg-gly-asp- ) tripeptide sequence of fibronectin — whereas others are promiscuous — for example , αvβ3 , once regarded as the vitronectin receptor , also binds fibronectin , fibrinogen , von Willebrand factor , thrombospondin , and osteo-pontin .
19 Themes with apparently quite varied and elaborate rhythmic outlines can be made by decorating a melody which in itself is quite simple , and which may conform to a well-known pattern .
20 She was sitting up in bed with a light shawl round her shoulders and a book on her lap , apparently quite composed .
21 In general , the action in Viennese pianos is apparently quite unlike the English action .
22 Not that that seemed to apply in Carolan 's case — his background was rich landowning , fox-hunting squires , dull , perhaps , and rigidly class-conscious , but , at any rate in recent generations , apparently quite decent sorts — Colonel Blimps rather than slick financiers or face-grinding industrialists .
23 As a consequence it has been possible , for over a century , to adopt two apparently quite contradictory positions simultaneously .
24 The walls were mostly slate , apparently quite normal , grained rock produced by a perfectly standard physical process of alluvial deposition .
25 Paragraph ( c ) would appear not to affect decisions in cases such as Kendall v. Lillico ( see paragraph 10–07 ) and Cointat v. Myham ( see paragraph 10–08 ) cases where the purchaser chooses to buy goods for his business from a seller whose terms he has in a consistent course of dealing been apparently quite happy to accept or where the purchaser buys goods in a market in which a trade custom shows that merchants have found exclusion terms to be acceptable .
26 Both he and Dame Agatha laughed as the commotion roused Ranulf , who woke with a muttered oath , smacking his lips , apparently quite refreshed after his short slumber .
27 They are apparently quite relaxed about living next to railway stations , provided they are not used to their full capacity .
28 From what I remember , we went down quite well and it was the beginning of quite an interesting career for the young Mr Jones . ’
29 ‘ I think Neil Kinnock will probably stand down quite soon , ’ said Mr George Galloway , MP for Glasgow Hillhead : ‘ He has reached the summit of where he can take the British Labour Party . ’
30 If only the bar was n't brought down quite so hard on everyone 's head .
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