Example sentences of "[adv] what " in BNC.

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1 Draw up a checklist of queries ( eg What does it do ?
2 ( iii ) A style is defined in terms of a domain of language use ( eg what choices are made by a particular author , in a particular genre , or in a particular text ) .
3 Partly for this reason and partly because of the inherent complexity the partnership agreement itself will rarely include ( at any rate in its main body ) a breakdown of the chosen management structures in full detail , though where a decision is taken on a matter of principle ( eg what matters require the unanimous approval of the partners , how a senior partner should be chosen , etc ) the partnership agreement is the logical place for it to be recorded .
4 Perhaps What 's Brewing could feature an up-to-date list of local beer guides every other month , alternating with the painfully unfunny P.A. Newton column ? — DAVE WHITE , Wigan .
5 Perhaps what is at work here is a fear of the other as same not unlike the fascinated fear of the primitive in the notion of ‘ going native ’ : a metamorphosis into the radically other which is no more than an all too easily imagined regression into one 's own ‘ primitive ’ past .
6 Perhaps what we are talking about is adoptive parents who need to feel in charge , secure and ‘ in control ’ ( Tizard , 1977 ) .
7 This is perhaps what is most satisfying about the conflagration at the end — the child/ builder/master mason has knocked down his tower of bricks .
8 Perhaps what was most lacking in the left 's criticism of A Very British Coup was any general discussion of the distinct importance of television as a medium and , more specifically , the question of what makes it such a potentially politically effective medium .
9 However , perhaps what does make the cities different is their scale of decline and deprivation : those seeking the most disadvantaged in contemporary Britain would do well to start in the older urban cores .
10 A great deal of very useful research can be carried out wholly from documentary sources of one kind or another , but often social researchers find themselves in a position where they want to investigate social behaviour on which there is very little published research or perhaps what research has been published is not relevant enough to their own particular areas of interest .
11 Harry led our team by example — although perhaps what some of his colleagues needed was a skipper who could also drive or cajole them to better things — but it was a mark of the respect in which he was held by Palace supporters that his well-deserved Benefit in 1953–54 was so well attended .
12 But perhaps what is most noticeable from this and other research is that the differences seem marginal .
13 Perhaps what they are doing at present is coming together on issues that are essentially unproblematic and secure whilst leaving the deep differences untouched .
14 Perhaps what is most important is that the nature of such identifiable UFO categories , and the conditions under which they might be observed , are predictable , after careful analysis of the data .
15 Perhaps what is needed , rather than ambitious attempts to eradicate feral animals totally , is more emphasis on local control , and the protection of certain breeding colonies of the species we want to conserve . ’
16 As we have seen previously , Bukharin distinguished between arithmetical sums and what he called ‘ real aggregates ’ , or perhaps what we might call totalities .
17 Perhaps what I 'm about to say has something to do with the answer to that question , so I 'll come to the point as briefly as possible .
18 ‘ Need a training officer , though size of authority probably does not justify — perhaps what should be done — though it won ‘ t be — is that a library school or SLA should employ somebody to look after staff development ’ .
19 But perhaps what mattered at eighty was habit , the body no longer interested in sex , the mind no longer interested in speculation , the smaller things in life mattering more than the large and , in the end , the slow realization that nothing really mattered at all .
20 Perhaps what we believe today is no better than the Sunday-school notions we were forced to discard yesterday and is different to us only because we are believing it today ?
21 This was perhaps what was in Temple 's mind when he wrote that ‘ whereas in communities governed by native institutions the white man , qua white man , is regarded with great respect , in those districts where the native administrations have been swept away he is regarded as a person of no very great significance ’ .
22 The response is a naive one ; but perhaps what Gandhi wanted to convey in answer to this question was that his faith in the principle of non-violence and truth had not been shattered by the use of the atom bomb .
23 Perhaps what I mean is you have a powerful feeling of love , and while you 're on drugs , you experience no hate or fear . ’
24 Perhaps what was wanting was only physical refinement .
25 Perhaps what Wordsworth is trying to say is not as unorthodox as it may sound .
26 Perhaps what he really meant was that they could n't afford not to go to Nunes .
27 This was perhaps what they really had in common .
28 The observables , the exotic items of gold , amber , shell , garnet , pottery ( and perhaps what it contained , for instance wine ) , glass , mercury , ivory , may give us a distorted image of the nature of exchange , but there is no reason for rejecting the acceptance of the pattern at face-value .
29 Perhaps what the authorities need to consider in the few months available to them is just when a decision needs to be made .
30 The goddess figurine from the Late Dove Goddess Sanctuary at Knossos shows a bird alighting on the goddess 's head ; perhaps what we are being shown is the ecstatic moment in a religious ceremony when the sequence of ritual acts reached its climax , and the priestess herself was transformed into the goddess .
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