Example sentences of "[adv] come " in BNC.

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1 Managers and clinicians had rather come to view each other as protagonists in the constant battle for resources .
2 Galadriel Hopkins had rarely come so close to begging .
3 She had always sworn that her private life would take second place to her career until she had established herself , that she would never become involved with anyone remotely connected with racing , and fortunately temptation had rarely come her way .
4 Yet state censorship has arguably come much nearer and become more sinister with the Spycatcher affair and the more recent Section 28 .
5 Later , after a deliberately nostalgic and painful visit to St Juliot in March 1913 , he was able to look back at their early days together in ‘ At Castle Boterel ’ , ‘ Beeny Cliff ’ , ‘ The phantom horsewoman ’ , and eventually to come to terms , however imperfectly , with his memories .
6 Disillusioned with the cottage and its problems , he had boarded up the windows and returned to Toronto , meaning eventually to come back and make a final decision about his ill-advised purchase .
7 Out of this and out of a more general TANU mass media seminar in 1968 was eventually to come TANU 's mass media committee , which has now become an important influence on Tanzania 's mass media as a whole .
8 They acknowledged that if emancipation were eventually to come it would require the moral progress and demographic increase consequent upon a conscious policy of a more equal sex ratio amongst slaves ; education and religious instruction ; the reorganisation of the work of the slaves to provide a progressive increase in the time devoted to autonomous labour from which earnings could be directed to self-purchase ; possibly too recognition of obligations to the former master even after the date of legal emancipation .
9 In the build-up to the ground offensive , preparations were made that were consistent with an amphibious assault on the Kuwait coast to draw the Iraqis ' attention away from their right flank , the direction from which the main Allied thrust was eventually to come .
10 SHOULD the worst come to the worst , John and Norma Major will at least be able to make a dignified departure from Downing Street .
11 However , not merely was there a conflict of medical evidence , but even Dr. D. , upon whose opinion Thorpe J. eventually based his decision , described W. as having ‘ a mild case of anorexia nervosa ’ and that although he ( Dr. D. ) had eventually come round to the view that W. should be treated at the specialist London unit , the decision was quite finely balanced .
12 Even the Liberal party has eventually come to that conclusion — even the Albanian Government have come to that conclusion .
13 While listening to Mrs Wimbush 's diatribe , Juliet had slowly come to realise that although this was Thorn House it was no longer the maternity home Elaine had known .
14 The shoulder-mount design is typical of standard and super VHS machines which have thereby come to he associated with semi-pro use .
15 After the intensive twelve months support with the project , girls need somewhere to come with any problems that may occur later .
16 His father sent him after an owd man somewhere to come hoom ; and he had an owd pony .
17 ‘ When Masklin comes back , he 's going to have somewhere to come back to . ’
18 I feel as if I 'll always have somewhere to come home to .
19 Dr G. Hefter and Dr P. M. May have tried wittily to come to the rescue , but by misinterpreting the ‘ obituary ’ ( Chem .
20 ‘ In approaching the wife 's defence I have regretfully come to the conclusion that the judge has overlooked two critical points of distinction between her case and that of the husband .
21 In recession Hollywood , the race is on to come on seriously downbeat , hence the current fad for nutritional slumming .
22 So I 'd like two volunteers later on to come and have their faces cleansed , toned , and moisturized .
23 We have successfully come through a war .
24 But I have since come across three other instances .
25 Other important casting centres have since come to light in Nigeria and some hundreds of castings have been analysed .
26 The dreams of his youth , when he was a tough , small-time bookie around the dog tracks of London , had long since come true .
27 Hemlines have since come down , and so have many of the buildings .
28 ‘ I guess they just want other sorts of women in their movies in Hollywood , ’ she shrugs , saying she 'd rather now have no offers at all than be asked to play the kind of ‘ one-note , bitchy character ’ that has since come her way .
29 The rejoicing was shared particularly by WACC 's members and colleagues in Central America , although news has since come through that the Guatemalan government is responding to Ms Menchu 's Peace Prize with a renewed crackdown against the popular democratic movement .
30 The mitre template has since come back onto the market , but at prices like £18-£20 and considering the relatively small amount of work in which it is employed , some readers will no doubt feel that they could spend that money more profitably , so will want to make their own .
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