Example sentences of "[art] being " in BNC.

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1 There is a strange warmth and luminous glow that gives the being a sense of well-being and health .
2 Nature observed the death of the Hart , and ‘ the Being ’ , variously interpreted as Nature , God , or God-in-Nature , because of his ‘ reverential care ’ , has allowed the place to decay as an example of ‘ What we are , and have been ’ .
3 The icon assists in focusing the mind on the Being to whom one prays .
4 However , I will not , as McDowell comes too near doing , assimilate the recognition of the existence of a value with the being appropriately drawn to it .
5 For we can say that deconstruction involves the decentralization and decolonization of European thought — insofar as it is ‘ incapable of respecting the Being and meaning of the other ’ , and to the extent that its philosophical tradition makes ‘ common cause with oppression and with the totalitarianism of the same ’ .
6 The corresponding form in the Being Actioned file should be removed and discarded ,
7 And had he thus revealed that he was no match for the being called Pool ?
8 Like the being able to slip out of his own head and stand in a corner , hang on the ceiling , terrifyingly , silent-screamingly BE SOMEWHERE ELSE , looking back at the body left behind .
9 Man has in fact appropriated , to represent his relation to truth or God , both aspects of woman 's role in relation to man : the being made fecund and the travail. ( 1991a:256–7 ; italics in the original )
10 When he returned , the being called Twoflower was hanging limply over his shoulder .
11 Right well you did n't actually get any objections so you couldn't 've handled them , you did n't mention about the prospect contacting the referrals prior to the being made er at the end you did actually bring up did n't you about the , the cricketer , is , is he a batsman then said he was a erm said he was a er all-rounder so you know I 'll , I 'll give you that
12 But also the , the being inferred to , that enlightened them on the Hebrew did n't it ?
13 However I do not recall hearing of any problem every being experienced by low-flying military hardware or cruise-level GA over Madley Earth Station which I managed for several years prior to my retirement last year , and which I believe is a much larger facility than Oakhanger .
14 Also in your letter you state that ‘ rape is a crime against all humankind ’ more than ( just ) a being a crime against women .
15 There was a Being who had made all things and who was to be feared .
16 But whereas the male version of Surrealism presents an image of woman as a being controlled by her childlike vision and magical powers , a priestess who is a powerless conduit between the known and unknown , in the work of woman Surrealists the female is in tune with , and at the helm of her powers .
17 No longer the much cosseted bearer of Robert 's son ( he had never thought it would not be a boy ) , a being set apart : real life suspended until it should all be over .
18 A SCHOOLGIRL was subjected to a terrifying three-hour sex ordeal after a being kidnapped in broad daylight at gunpoint , police said yesterday .
19 The exercises a being piloted by a small number of students with a view to presenting a short course or self-study package later this year .
20 In his arms she was no longer a thinking , rational person , she was merely a being consumed by the flames of need .
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