Example sentences of "[art] two " in BNC.

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1 Forward planning and good communication are the two foundation stones that must be in place to guarantee that people ill with HIV have the best choices and continue to enjoy the very best quality of life , wherever they choose to be .
2 We agree to help and perhaps I can combine the two visits .
3 A court notice reported the economic loss of the two vehicles , but did not mention any military casualties .
4 To outsiders , the two events may seem little more than an international organization at work , but for Amnesty members these events are charged with significance .
5 In early 1991 AI received a letter directly from the two men .
6 If the two girls compare notes one day , the New Yorker will complain about the useless articles she read ; the newspaper articles were almost always short , written maybe by hard-pressed critics who were only allowed short articles , further cut down by sub-editors .
7 Art is after all the subject of attention for both critic and historian , even though the functions and methods of the two sorts of writer have drawn apart .
8 As a sound is a mantra , so an image is a yantra , the two used together making a powerful combination for spiritual exercises .
9 It is shaped , besides , in accordance with a dramatic momentum which reaches successive peaks with the two sexual encounters between Jane and Jimmy Ahmed .
10 Jane is unlikely to earn much sympathy by virtue of the attention given to the environment which produced her dabbling in eventfulness and her poor kiss , and yet the two environments have more in common than would once have been thought possible .
11 It may be that neither statement need be held to subtract from the other , but there could well be some dispute as to which of the two is the more deeply entrenched in the novel .
12 One law for the rich and another for the poor , as the two systems can be made to seem , are laid down together in a book which commemorates a desertion , on the author 's part , of the rich for the poor .
13 ‘ And the two do n't always coincide ’ , Fraser replies : ‘ That 's my split vision .
14 But being consoled by another mother who seems unfrustrating makes it harder to reconcile the two … ’ .
15 It is possible to imagine that for some people such consolation might make it easier to reconcile the two , and to wonder what it was that made the difference in Fraser 's case .
16 The two words carry a note of declamation — a note otherwise absent from Fraser 's account .
17 Each of the two principal actors glimpses his double in passing , as a reflection in a glass , and each stands to the other in the same relation — a relation which presupposes , as in many other Gothic texts , some sort of metempsychosis or rebirth .
18 The two poems could be thought to occupy a common ground which goes some way beyond topography , and includes a stretch of the common ground occupied by imitation .
19 Peter Ackroyd is all of the formidable pasticheur that he is praised for being , and Dyer 's tale , which affects to be that of someone who lived in the eighteenth century , and in which the element of imitation , present in writing of every kind , is more obtrusive than it is in the other tale , is the livelier of the two .
20 Ackroyd has given some readers the impression that the modern narrative , the paler of the two , is paler on purpose — in obedience , presumably , to the doctrine of time , of its runnings-down and recurrences , which figures in the novel .
21 In the literature of duality it is the outcast or victim who has dealings with a double , and in the second of the two novels Charles Wychwood is an outcast whose condition copies that of Thomas Chatterton , who committed suicide in 1770 at the age of 17 , having invented a medieval monk , Rowley , and written poems for him .
22 We have liked him for being into free speech and free love , and for what he has to say about convergences of the two , and about the curbs which revolution and its regimes has placed on them .
23 They are words that can be made to mean different things , and are applicable as such to the story of Jaromil 's poetic progress from private to public , which can also be recognised as a simultaneity of the two , based on an enduring self-engrossment .
24 It is possible to suggest that the two poets resemble one another .
25 ‘ In silence , the two almost bowed almost stiffly to each other , behaving rather like two — well , two somethings-or-other , thought Patrick .
26 The two Patrick books are stations in a progress — what Amis has encouraged us to call Lucky Jim 's turn to the right .
27 At a mid-point in the novel there occurs McClintoch 's complaint that people are divided into the ‘ attractive ’ and the ‘ unattractive ’ , rather as , according to Disraeli , as Graham duly notes , Victorian England was divided into the two nations ' of rich and poor .
28 By now , the reader may be on his way to deciding that this is the better world of the two , and to wondering if the poet is trying to get his own back .
29 The mutualities of their friendship have been incorporated in the two worlds in question as they figure in Amis 's novel , where unattractiveness is a category as definite as mumps and the unattractive are absolutely and permanently unattractive to one another .
30 These two worlds , moreover , are like the two worlds of men and women in Amis .
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