Example sentences of "[art] new " in BNC.

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1 This has the effect of cancelling your existing covenant and in return you commit yourself to making payments under the new covenant .
2 The new law may in fact increase the already serious risk of torture facing political detainees .
3 Suspected torturers are permitted under the new law to continue to interrogate detainees while charges against them are outstanding .
4 In many of these countries the new respect for human rights was embodied in the repeal or revision of laws used to imprison prisoners of conscience .
5 He was one of 25 farmers arrested in November 1987 and accused of membership of the New People 's Army ( NPA ) , the armed wing of the outlawed Communist Party .
6 This sentence may be added to the new one-year term .
7 De Klerk dismissed suggestions that he ca n't control his security forces by pointing out that he appointed 10,000 police officers last year , and claims that the new influx will go a long way in helping subdue township unrest .
8 If the two girls compare notes one day , the New Yorker will complain about the useless articles she read ; the newspaper articles were almost always short , written maybe by hard-pressed critics who were only allowed short articles , further cut down by sub-editors .
9 From Germany there is The End of the History of Art ; from Britain a group of essays describe The New Art History ; from the United States has recently come Rethinking Art History : meditations on a coy science ; and from Canada there is a forthright title Art History : its use and abuse .
10 Like Apollinaire , they saw a rift between the old century and the new .
11 An English critic who attempted the task of keeping a balance between his political convictions and his aesthetic responses was John Berger , who wrote in the 1950s for the New Statesman .
12 Four years after their meeting he published an account of Venetian painters of the Renaissance , where he acknowledged ‘ his indebtedness to the first systematic writers on Italian painting no less than to the perfectors of the new critical method , now adopted by nearly all serious students of Italian art ’ .
13 The painter Patrick Heron wrote for the New Statesman in London in the 1950s , and used this technique for writing about Braque , whom he compared with Picasso .
14 The New Yorker has a good record of commissioning articles .
15 Part of the critic 's task in the nineteenth century , as now , was to interpret art for the lay public ; but what , artists asked themselves , if we interpreted our own work ? from such a thought sprang statements of artistic aims and manifestos , some using the new device of naming a group with a progressive title , such as futurism .
16 A Japanese example is the surimono , a friendly greeting for the New Year through a drawing and a message which complement each other .
17 The homicides and postmortems in the book permit the new religion of science to exercise its power : but they also occasion the necrophile broodings which exude from Dyer .
18 It was published in America in 1974 , translated by Peter Kussi , who has revised his translation for the new edition of 1986 which I am discussing here .
19 Everything seemed to indicate that Jaromil 's enormous yearning for newness ( the religion of the New ) was only the disguised longing of a virginal youth for the unimaginable experience of the sex act .
20 ‘ Can a revolution dispense with repeated affirmation of the new order ?
21 Such poems ‘ need not be stimulated by real-life events ’ such as the plight of the Marseilles dock-workers , which has effaced the sight — darkly limned in Jaromil 's juvenilia — of Magda in her bath ; and if the poet who displays his ignorant , indifferent self-portrait is hoping for applause , there is a chance for him to do well in the new world of revolution , which rings with applause , and with blame .
22 In the New Left Review , Benedict Anderson has made sharp criticisms of the work of the journalist and poet James Fenton which compare it with that of Kapuscinski and Naipaul .
23 Agostinho Neto , politician and poet , the leader of the MPLA , is about to preside over the new state , but two enemy armies are converging on the capital , Luanda : the FNLA under Holden Roberto and Unita under Jonas Savimbi .
24 According to the Guardian , the New Year 's Honours list of 1988 in Britain contained a knighthood for ‘ Professor Albert Maillard , the Oxford historian ’ .
25 Two of the several names owned by another recipient had strayed into someone 's word-processor to create a further deserving don , the knowing reference to whom must have ruined the new year for more than one senior scholar .
26 The new novel has married the pair and moved them on into the mid-Sixties and from the provinces to London , where Patrick works misgivingly in a fashionable publishing-house .
27 The new prose , however , is in general less embellished , more elliptical , even quite taxingly so on occasion , and yet more colloquial too .
28 Heirs to the freedoms which , on the threshold of the Sixties , Take a girl like you may be thought to have assisted in inaugurating , but which it also contrived to criticise , young people now seem to feel that the old Patrick belonged to a sexist work , and they may well feel that the old Adam has surfaced again in the new Patrick .
29 Maybe there will one day be a novel from Amis which portrays the Patrick Standish of the Eighties — more baleful , no doubt , on certain subjects , nicer to his cat , surrounded by the monuments of the New Right and by the debris of the swinging past to which he had once been a contributor .
30 In one of the new stories a ‘ recluse ’ , formerly a womaniser , says : ‘ One step away from God and one is already in the dominion of Satan and hell .
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