Example sentences of "[prep] on " in BNC.

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1 When I was a child I could remember gatherings of two or three hundred people , but there were less than a hundred out on the dry grass .
2 Thank you for looking after on those really black days when even he seemed too much to cope with .
3 Communally maintained for the benefit of all the residents , the setting of the house remains unchanged with a certainty that it will be looked after on a continuing basis .
4 He embarked soon after on his long verse-tragedy Osorio , a story ‘ romantic & wild & somewhat terrible ’ , which he set in Spain at the time of the Inquisition , but which was to draw , at least to a small extent , on his Quantock and Exmoor wanderings of the next few months .
5 Hayling had realized that although women 's interests were being looked after on the paper , there was already suspicion of NoS in the black community .
6 February 4 , 1992 : DHC–3 Otter floatplane N13GA of Taquan Air Service crashed after on approach to Mrtlakatla , Alaska .
7 So that was me with a habit and two kids to look after on 36 quid a week social … .
8 He had the expatriate knack of being lent things and getting himself looked after on his return to the native land , and as they talked it became apparent that we were to be entertained to lunch by the gallery owner .
9 His brother Evelyn came , I remember , one morning soon after on his way to Adelaide , to send back provisions to his party , whom he had left quite out of flour .
10 In my mind while you 're talking is about these three children who presumably er this gentleman 's wife was supposed to be looking after on thirty pounds a week .
11 Unfortunately in Perk 's case , her innocence leads to her death after on her way to school wearing her yellow dress , she pops into see her Godmother who is often referred to as the most beautiful woman around and has beautiful skin , a good body and lovely thick dark curly hair .
12 I bet after on Friday
13 Furthermore , all of them , despite on occasions entering states of manifest psychosis , remained sufficiently fluent to articulate their experiences , either in their fiction or in records of their lives , or both .
14 So it 's with added comprehension that a reader of On the Look-Out can approach the taut ferocity of Sisson 's early poems and the sombreness of those more recent , the jarring plainness of his Divine Comedy and other such translations , the savagery of his two gaunt novels , and the war against fashion-induced mediocrity waged by Sisson the literary critic .
15 The floodgates were now open and it is from here that the reverse sequence of On the Look-Out commences .
16 The Lettrists and the Situationists had used ‘ pre-existing elements ’ for their own ends , and so the editors of the Boston text and the curators of On the Passage have , they feel , a certain entitlement to do the same .
17 The auditors also found Whitehall slow to adapt to new technology , and that millions was spent on correcting letters by hand instead of on word processors .
18 Have n't you got him back yet ? did you say he was last heard of on the Silk Road and he should have been in Caledonia. ? oh dear ! and Boudicca 's got his legs ready .
19 Some were impatient of disarmament talks which never resulted in the abandoning of a single weapon ; some were appalled by Civil Defence pamphlets which advocated spending your last four minutes on earth whitewashing your windows and by planners who talked blithely in terms of ‘ megadeaths ’ ; some were convinced that Armageddon would be next week : the immensely influential film of On the Beach showed the last survivors , in Melbourne , waiting for death in 1963 .
20 Logitech 's FotoMan digital camera stores 32 digitized photos in random access memory instead of on film .
21 They were astonished to hear that in Britain it costs more than £3 to go to the cinema ( a Filipino obsession ) , when it costs only 3p in Dapitan , and to learn that teenage girls in Britain could go on a date with their boyfriends without a chaperone ; something disapproved of on Mindanao ) .
22 Building contracts are sold to insiders , rubbish is disposed of on payment of massive backhanders and driving licences have been sold back to convicted drink-drivers .
23 I 'm sort of on leave .
24 In his hand he holds the precious end of an old frayed piece of rope , the kind pedlars sold piles of on Lima 's Abancay — the beginnings of an answer .
25 In this respect , the emergence of a nouveau nouveau roman was said to have evolved which was deemed to be characterized by this emphasis on textual productivity , instead of on reference and representation .
26 For even taking into account my employer 's generous offer to ‘ foot the bill for the gas ’ , the costs of such a trip might still come to a surprising amount considering such matters as accommodation , meals , and any small snacks I might partake of on my way .
27 The right to wear them over the left breast pocket instead of on the sleeve was granted to those who had taken part in three trips behind the lines .
28 That is unless it 's sold to the sort of person who blasts half of his land away to quarry gravel for motorways , like someone I can think of on the west coast .
29 Is muck disposed of on a heap at the bottom of a field , or on to a muck trailer in the yard ?
30 In saying this , I do not overlook the enormous amount of on the whole useful and imaginative work on a new-style curriculum undertaken by the Schools Council .
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