Example sentences of "[prep] [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 Meadowbank Sports Centre is the venue for an ‘ Activity Day for 50+ ’ offering a choice of organised activities ranging from indoor bowls to fencing to yoga .
2 The other thing I would say is this that the management , whilst they very rarely agree with what Eric has got to say I 've never met a member of management at any level , at any level that does n't respect what he 's got to say and that 's a tremendous , er psychological blow before they even get round the table , because he 's completely disarming and his record in terms as vic er for , of victories , for individual members and groups of mem er , members , er , is legendary and I think apart from his ability it 's the respect in which he 's held by , by everybody , by everybody .
3 The tender touch means success for A1 Trust
4 The electrical phase angles at 1,585Hz , the nearest measured point to the frequency used in the main measurements , were -2.83° , -1.76° and -0.15° for A1 , A2 and B1 respectively .
5 For A1 we take any two unc and ask : Is
6 So , in order to evolve the assembly line for Pathway 1 , a species needs the genes coding for A1 , B1 and C1 all to coevolve together .
7 Labour challenged over plans for A1
8 Shekel of the sanctuary ( 3:47 ) : a weight of about 10gms , not a coin .
9 Mosses growing on Signy Island in summer at temperatures between -5°C and + 5°C have an optimal net photosynthetic rate at 10–15°C ; the rate is depressed at temperatures above 15°C , which may be experienced across midday in high summer .
10 It shows how seriously companies take research and development and for AET this represents ‘ our biggest single area of investment . ’
11 Because of the similarity of wording between s.69 and s.5 of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 , it would appear that the courts may hold the same view with regard to civil evidence .
12 Thus for BrF the first band shows a splitting of about 0·32 eV and is clearly due to a level largely localized on Br ; in IBr ( Fig. 6.18 ) the first two bands show splittings of 0·58 and 0·36 eV and are assigned to lone-pairs mainly localized on I and Br , respectively .
13 Rat-1 cells expressing either wild-type c-Myc-ER or the defective c-Myc mutant 106–143 fused to the human oestrogen receptor , and either with or without Bcl-2 , were growth-arrested by culture in 0.05% fetal calf serum ( FCS ) for 48h .
14 After treatment the tomato seedlings were incubated at 30°C for 48h under fluorescent lights providing 200μmolm -2 s -1 of photosynthetically active radiation .
15 Trunk fragments with attached limbs ( +AER and -AER ) were cultured as described in the legend to Fig. 1 for 48h in serum-free medium supplemented as stated ( resupplemented after 24h ) .
16 Trunk fragments with attached limbs ( +AER and -AER ) were cultured for 48h ( a , b ) without growth factor supplementation ; c , d , with 50ngml -1 FGF-4 ; e , f , with 50ngml -1 BMP-2. +AER limb is on left and -AER limb on right .
17 Sections ( 6μm ) of trunk fragments with attached hindlimbs cultured for 48h in : a , d , e , medium without growth factor supplementation : or medium containing ( b , f , g ) 50ngml -1 FGF-4 ; c , h , 50ngml -1 BMP-2 ; i , 100ngml -1 FGF-4 and 10ngml -1 BMP-2 ; j , FGF-4 and BMP-2 , 50ngml -1 each ; k , 10ngml -1 FGF-4 and 100ngml - BMP-2 .
18 FIG. 2 Propidium iodide fluorescence ( a-c ) and electron microscopy ( d-f ) of cells cultured in 10% FCS for 48h ( a , d ) , in 10% FCS and 1μM staurosporine for 18–20h ( b , e ) , or in the absence of FCS for 48h ( c , f ) .
19 FIG. 2 Propidium iodide fluorescence ( a-c ) and electron microscopy ( d-f ) of cells cultured in 10% FCS for 48h ( a , d ) , in 10% FCS and 1μM staurosporine for 18–20h ( b , e ) , or in the absence of FCS for 48h ( c , f ) .
20 The United States House of Representatives on June 20 voted by 410 to eight to cut off military aid to Jordan worth US$27,000,000 , pending assurances that " the government of Jordan has taken steps to advance the peace process in the Middle East " [ see p. 38119 ] .
21 For presentation of exogenously added peptide , target cells were preincubated with M58–66 peptide at 1μgml -1 for 2h before addition of the CTL clone Q66.9. ( b ) Target cells were infected with M1-vac ( 20 PFU per cell ) for 3h. 4–30 is a fresh CTL line from an HLA-A2.1-positive donor raised against the synthetic peptide M55–73 ( P.W. , unpublished ) .
22 Keep the forceps used for handling grids scrupulously clean and wipe them after each step by punching the tips through No.1 Whatman filter paper , or bibulous paper .
23 Revenues generated by this channel did not go through the joint venture , rather through Kam Circuits , which contributed to its good performance .
24 Red for Danger:Anti nuclear group says waste drums are a hazard .
25 PCR conditions were : 94 °C for 1min , 55°C for 30s and 72°C for 1min , for 30cycles. srICAM-1 and 3 and srMUC18 were amplified from cDNA clones and srICAM-2 from a HUVEC cDNA library .
26 Foreign and domestic debt servicing accounted for IS21,000 million , spending on immigration IS12,300 million and defence IS10,600 million .
27 To further demonstrate that the sequences encompassing the 80 bp fragment are able to bind proteins in a sequence-specific manner , we synthesized oligonucleotides corresponding to footprint I plus 5 bp flanking regions on each side ( see materials and methods ) as well as another oligonucleotide ( oligo III ) corresponding to the sequence distance between Δ72 and Δ73 , which deletion decreases transcription sharply ( see figures 1 and 2B ) .
28 Full private funding of the link would require a rate of return of between 12%percnt ; and 15% and British Rail has argued that the project can not even provide the 8% return demanded of public sector investment .
29 Simon Holt ( left ) and Howard Smith investigate for Ipso Facto
30 ( Littlejohn claimed that he was working for DI6 .
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