Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Johnson therefore knew in advance the principal social and economic demography of his readership — the professional and/or wealthy classes in and around London .
2 If you have a particular problem , please tell the tour escort or representative and/or the Hotel Reception Desk at the time so that , if possible , it can be dealt with there and then .
3 In more recent times the potential of bilingual education not only for a social elite as was traditionally the case but also for the disadvantaged and/or those already possessing a degree of bilingualism from pre-school experience has been much discussed and researched .
4 One important feature shared by most of the GCC states is an Iranian and/or Arab Shiite minority , whose behaviour in the event of some difference with Iran could not be predicted .
5 It allowed and encouraged these local authorities to extend provision of secondary education , after the minimum leaving age , either by giving rate support to voluntary grammar schools , or by establishing rate-financed grammar , technical and/or ‘ higher elementary ’ schools .
6 Of course , differential profitability may reflect differential exploitation of labour : in this case a left government could intervene to the advantage of enterprises which were less profitable because of less intensive and oppressive working and/or better wages by , for instance , minimum wage legislation or fostering union organisation in the more oppressive enterprises .
7 For it was assumed that the few who were rich and/or well-born were also , morally and politically , " the best " .
8 Some feminists would expand this argument to suggest that the political and/or ethical discussion should be made an explicit part of the methodology of philosophy .
9 ( 2 ) In the 1950s nationalist leaders in a few Latin American countries ( Argentina , Brazil and Uruguay ) , at critical junctures when their economies were undergoing varying degrees of pressure , sought to explore the potential political and/or economic benefits of relations with the Soviet Union .
10 There are a number of classes of object made in England which can be shown to have regional and/or local distributions .
11 Schedule 1 includes references to certain specified sums paid out or received by Abbey or Wessex , some of the moneys said to be ‘ in respect of charges which were not due and/or were inflated .
12 Some of these deposits are interpreted as having originated in areas of extensive hydrothermal activity that were remobilised during the Quaternary following local volcanic and/or earthquake activity .
13 This group included 12 patients who have previously been treated with oral antibiotics for various reasons , six patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease , six patients with associated inflammatory disease of the oesophagous and/or stomach and/or duodenum .
14 This does not imply , and should not be taken to mean , that everything being practised as multicultural and/or antiracist education in schools is worthless .
15 Deflationary and inflationary gaps can be closed by discretionary monetary and/or fiscal policy .
16 With the inability of stable monetary and/or fiscal policy to alter the real course of the economy , it is the determinants of the ‘ natural rates ’ that are the source of concern , and this is where the supply-siders would say they come in : by highlighting the way existing government policy provisions affect utility-maximizing choices , they concern themselves with the location of the various functions involved .
17 Having said that , have n't most people got DOS 5.0 and/or Windows these days so why the extra expense of yet another method of file management ?
18 Frequently , however , items that now have low and/or back vowels , are given with [ Ε ] : these include rether for ‘ rather ’ ( a rural Scots residue ) , e for a in single nasal environments in polysyllables such as exemine , Jenuary and in nasal cluster environments such as demsel , exemple , Entrim ( 'Antrim' ) , slent , bendy ( 'bandy' ) , brench .
19 Empirical statements concerning spatial and/or temporal order e.g. that x is to the left of y , or above y , or that it precedes yin a time series , etc. — do not involve attribution of certain purely intrinsic properties to x or toy , i.e. properties that might be described as part of their essential description ( qua self-subsistent ontological entities ) .
20 Three of the studies pointed out that this was common in elderly patients , and that this indicated they should receive lower and/or less frequent doses .
21 Table 2.1 gives additional information about these two broad industrial areas , showing that it is in the retail trade and the hotels and catering industry in the first of these , and public administration , education , medical services , " other services to the public " , recreational and cultural services and personal services in the second , where the proportion of temporary workers is greatest and/or where an important share of the temporary workforce is to be found .
22 We can thus substitute equation ( 1 ) into equation ( 2 ) and obtain For a chemical system which involves only solid and/or liquid reactants and products , the expansion V of the system is often negligible or zero .
23 It is suggested that pupils choose a person whose Christian commitment has led him/her to work for the good of others , thus making a link with the Christian vocation to alleviate suffering and/or the work of Christians in relation to respect for human life ( both indicated in L.0.2 ) .
24 But at least the radio-set enabled one to tune into a variety of propaganda : covert listening ( in the basement ) to the BBC or other radio stations of ‘ allied ’ or neutral powers , albeit punished when discovered , was a modest gesture of ‘ resistance ’ by individuals and families who only joined the ‘ Resistance ’ , if at all , in 1943 or 1944 .
25 Is it possible that in 1943 or 1944 she would have told him , liberated Parisienne that she was , the details ?
26 The total of members ' quotas in the IMF thus reached 93,177,050,000 or about US$129,122 million .
27 ‘ Come on , Ruth , am I mega-dumb or something ?
28 There was no inherent or common-law jurisdiction in a magistrates ' court to order rehearing of a case which had already been decided ( R. v. Campbell , ex. p .
29 Instead of being a development of an inherent or generally available faculty , it is a specialized technique wholly dependent on specific training .
30 We do not yet know whether such differences are inherent or are induced by disease or even by the drugs themselves , or what part is played by age .
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