Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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31 By pre-adjunct he means adjectives in prenominal attributive position ; by characterisation he means something like inherent or permanent ( to which one should perhaps add some cautious and flexible condition such as " in the circumstances " ) .
32 Each new kind of medium is likely to have its own built in obsolescence whether deficiencies these are inherent or merely the result of replacement by newer and more efficient technologies .
33 Somebody , therefore , has to lead the singing , either unaccompanied or to the accompaniment of a pre-recorded tape , and training is needed for this as well .
34 A good caddie also has to be something of a psychologist , knowing when to cajole his player into making a better effort ; calming him down when he 's just three-putted or blazed a drive into the rough ; or steadying him up from being over-confident or over-zealous when the adrenalin is flowing after a couple of good holes .
35 But everyone knew , even then , about unsatisfied or sublimated or postponed desires : the final step must be action .
36 This assay has been proved to provide reliable whole blood and serum concentrations that correlate well with monoclonal or polyclonal radioimmunoassay measurements carried out in renal transplant recipients .
37 The pope despatched two pallia in June 634 ( HE 11 , 18 ) , but the death of Eadwine in battle in Hatfield Chase against combined Welsh and Mercian forces , either in October 633 or more likely October 634 , and the subsequent collapse of the ecclesiastical community at York with the flight of Paulinus to Kent ( HE 11 , 20 ) ( see below , p. 83 ff. ) , terminated this phase in the history of the church of York and arrested its development as an archiepiscopal see for a hundred years .
38 When the British king of Gwynedd in north Wales , Cadwallon ap Cadfan , invaded Eadwine 's territory in 633 or 634 , Penda joined him and participated in the overthrow of Eadwine in battle at Hatfield Chase ( HE 11 , 20 ) .
39 In 633 or 634 ( see above , pp. 67–8 and Appendix , Fig. 7.3 ) on 12 October Eadwine , king of the northern Angles , was defeated and slain in battle in Hatfield Chase by Cadwallon ap Cadfan , king of the Britons of Gwynedd , acting in concert with a Mercian force under Penda .
40 When Cadwallon finally slew Osric in the summer of 634 or 635 , the exact year depending on whether Eadwine fell in 633 or 634 ( see Appendix , Fig. 7.1 ) , this should have been his signal to withdraw .
41 Even though the majority of cars stolen in these so-called ‘ joy-riding ’ incidents are recovered , the cost of repairs , replacing stolen or damaged equipment and the resulting increased insurance premiums are certainly no joy for the victim .
42 Some details of breeding success were recorded by the survey , with an average of 2.4 young reared from 15 nests , in which 61 eggs were laid ; three eggs were infertile and 17 stolen or destroyed by man , an important predator of this species .
43 Lists of stolen or lost traveller 's cheques are circulated to hotels and the cashier should consult these lists discreetly when dealing with traveller 's cheques .
44 The article in your February issue ( No.15 , p.4 ) concerning the UNIDROIT meeting to discuss the Draft Preliminary Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects was much appreciated in alerting the world of curators , collectors , and dealers to an important further step in the process of harmonising disparate laws on the international traffic in cultural objects .
45 [ Preliminary draft Unidroit Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects ]
46 A number of important topics will be on the agenda for discussion ; EEC fiscal policies in the light of 1993 ; the restitution of stolen or illegally exported works of art ; the progress on legislation regarding endangered species and protected materials such as ivory and tortoiseshell ; and the often prickly relations between dealers and auction houses .
47 Under section I of the P. & C.E. Act the police can stop and search : ( a ) any person or vehicle ; ( b ) anything which is in or on a vehicle ; for stolen or prohibited articles ; and may detain a person or vehicle in order to conduct such a search .
48 The Act does not give a constable power to search a person or a vehicle or anything in or on a vehicle unless he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that he will find stolen or prohibited articles .
49 Points are scored for destroying both airborne and groundbased objects ( whether mobile or stationary ) .
50 But that will not happen , because members of the Territorial Army are not so mobile or nomadic in that sense as regular forces .
51 But the cameras , mobile or fixed , cost around $25,000 each , and in fact the county only has two of them .
52 This last instance of the stylistics of manner begins to merge into the stylistics of embellishment , self-reference or representation .
53 The ‘ new ’ Cold War of 1979–85 had no war crises equivalent to Berlin in 1948 or Cuba in 1962 which pitted the Superpowers directly against one another .
54 He said that the car must be ready by 25th July 1948 or he would refuse to take delivery after that date .
55 With the partial exception of the two decades which followed the Treaty of Utrecht ( and even then there were probably never less than half a million men under arms in Europe ) there was scarcely a year in the century during which a large-scale struggle was not either raging or threatened in some part of the continent .
56 However , it is unlike a prudential or moral imperative in that it tells me only how to prepare for a choice , not how to choose .
57 The mere fact that I have set myself the end X , with Y as a necessary means to it , and without conflict with other prudential or moral considerations , does not guarantee me from being mistaken in doing Y ( Anyone who supposed that it did would indeed be guilty of the Naturalistic Fallacy without appeal . )
58 Human associations , then , can be viewed as being structured in terms of either prudential or moral practices .
59 Where space is really tight , or if you do n't need a 12-place setting machine , think about a slimline or compact model .
60 I might eat a bread roll without the butter while I wait for the meal to arrive , and slimline or diet drinks act as a wonderful filler .
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