Example sentences of "[verb] see " in BNC.

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1 Kitchen equipment — cooker , refrigerator , washing-machine and spin-drier — should all be checked to see that they are functioning well and safely .
2 The physicists lived for the emulsion trails and double checked to see if they were interpreting them correctly .
3 In the case of a walk-in or chance guest then the room status board would be checked to see if accommodation was available .
4 The registration is checked to see if it has been correctly completed .
5 Upon receipt of a completed request form by the lexicographers the form should be checked to see whether it is acceptable .
6 First the existing geometric domain relationships will be checked to see if the relationships already exist and , if not , whether their acceptance will violate any other existing relationships .
7 The distribution of records produced by a given algorithm should be checked to see that this will not occur .
8 She had been left outside a great many pubs on warm summer evenings while models and some younger aspiring painters had occasionally checked to see if she was still there .
9 The proposal form should be checked to see if the Policyholder disclosed the illness/injury or if the complaint first occurred after inception of the policy , did the Policyholder disclose this at the appropriate renewal date .
10 Where claims involve losses in these areas during the winter period stated , they should be carefully checked to see if the clause has been complied with .
11 Other terminal word branches off this node are checked to see if they have remaining MRPA symbols which have to be distinguished from the current input by creating new non-terminals .
12 ( 4 ) The terms of issue of any convertible securities , options or warrants should be checked to see whether they confer any pre-emption rights or restrictions on new issues .
13 Security videos throughout the city centre are being checked to see if the bombers have been trapped on tape .
14 The case was adjourned until Monday for the condition of a submachine gun to be checked to see if it was capable of being fired .
15 Regularly means that we go in anyway t every six months you go and have your teeth checked to see if they 're okay .
16 She thought that as she knew so well what her therapist would say , it was indeed a waste of money to continue seeing her .
17 You will , of course , need to continue seeing doctors for treatment .
18 Marjorie steeled herself , asked to see the vet again , and said she would stay while Lizzie was put to sleep .
19 They asked to see a doctor and Zahira was taken to another part of the building where , she says , she was superficially examined by a doctor and a nurse .
20 The newspaper asked to see any responsible official — none was available .
21 I asked to see his identification .
22 I had written to Joe Ackerley about Dana , and how we were writing poems together , and he asked to see some examples of this unusual collaboration .
23 Even Moses , when he asked to see God 's glory , was told , ‘ You can not see my face ; for man shall not see me and live ’ ( Exod.
24 Over and over she asked the questions and became so demented by them that , though she trembled with indignation , she once more went into the Casa Guidi and , controlling herself as best she could , asked to see her old mistress .
25 Neither of them asked to see a girl called Evelyn Harris and Jackie guessed correctly that her letter had gone astray , though he never said as much to her .
26 Anyway , the day came when he asked to see Jimmy and me .
27 He asked to see his social services file and eventually the local authority agreed , provided the donors of information consented .
28 He asked to see Laura , but was told that she had no wish to see him .
29 When Dr Williams 's library opened he presented himself and asked to see the manuscript of Crabb Robinson 's monumental Diary .
30 In the Old Testament , Moses asked to see God , only to be told that ‘ no man can see God and live ’ .
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