Example sentences of "[verb] party " in BNC.

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1 In contrast to all previous postwar elections , where nuclear issues , and a range of post-colonial questions from Suez and South Africa to the Falklands were raised to promote or attack party images , international issues appeared to play little or no role .
2 The 61-year-old judge was kinder to sex party hostess Cynthia Paine after a jury cleared her of controlling prostitutes five years ago .
3 Belfast councillor John Carson has been reported to his North Belfast Unionist Constituency Association over allegations that he verbally assaulted party member Fred Proctor .
4 When this eagerly awaited party actually happened , it had been going forty minutes before Dad and I realized that we knew virtually no one there .
5 Galloway Liberal Democrats also want party MPs to consider withdrawing from Westminster as part of the campaign for a referendum to which the Scottish MPs are opposed .
6 The train was stopped in plenty of time and a few VIP and press party on board were even aware of the drama outside .
7 Boating party .
8 Coach party 'd be very late back to Luton , and they do n't like that . ’
9 The Delight range contains party favourites such as pâté ( Brussels , Ardennes and Chicken ) , Sliced Meats and Fromage Frais .
10 On Dec. 11 , 1989 , the Polish Socialist Party-Democratic Revolution ( PPS-RD ) held its first national congress in Wroclaw , adopting party statutes and a programme of policies based on the goal of a self-governing alternative system .
11 The disposing Party will provide an auditor 's certificate in relation to the disposal and will refund to the Lead Organization such amount as may be claimed by the Secretary of State in respect of such disposal .
12 Young voters found party leaflets more useful than older voters ( Table 6.14 ) .
13 The court emphasised that it was upholding party autonomy and would not rewrite the contract to take account of subsequent concerns .
14 The Bolsheviks , on the other hand , reacted with much more caution to these institutions and tended to emphasize the need to establish Party control over them .
15 On the first anniversary of that invasion , when thousands of Czechoslovak demonstrators were dispersed on Mr Husak 's orders by the police with military support , he was awarded the Order of Lenin , the highest honour the Russians could give him , and his acceptance of it sealed his fate once and for all Within two years of becoming party leader he purged all but 26 of the central committee members who had been in office before the invasion .
16 He talked of becoming party leader ‘ for life ’ , and when it did not come off , he sacked the Prime Minister , Mr Ion Gheorghe Maurer , after 14 years in the job .
17 Beattie as deputy leader devoted a lot of energy to trying to build up branches and Robinson , on becoming party secretary , hired the Party 's first full-time worker before himself becoming a paid official .
18 The ‘ yokel ’ became ‘ less of a lout ’ , the dairymaid became ‘ indistinguishable from her urban counterpart ’ , and in general these ‘ youths and maidens ’ were becoming party to world-wide conversations ' .
19 The fact that a significant number of the independents who were elected were DLP sympathizers who had failed to secure party endorsement as candidates , meant that most observers expected Roh to be able to construct a working majority within the new Assembly .
20 Put simply , I want to encourage party members to go and live in target seats , with the unions helping out with relocation expenses .
21 Unabashed by this thought , she adds that she is thinking seriously about it , and is prepared to meet party officials to discuss it .
22 Mr MacGiolla was later due to meet party colleagues in west Belfast .
23 There has been a noticeable shift of working class support from the SPD to the far-right Republicans — not as much as the losses from the Christian Democrats , but enough to worry party managers .
24 Romania has many joint party-state organizations such as the Supreme Council for Economic Development , the Central Council of Workers ' Control of Economic and Social Activity , the Defence Council and the Council for Socialist Culture and Education : ‘ These organizations provide an infrastructure for blending party and state activities ’ ( Szajkowski 1981 , p. 47 ) .
25 The crossbenches , whose ethos infects many of the party peers , are the key to the Upper House , holding the balance on a huge range of controversial issues , especially ones like Maastricht that transcend party loyalty .
26 Any person not named as a respondent may seek party status for himself or any other person by filing a written request at court ( FPCR , r7(2) ; FPR , r4.7(2) ) .
27 Gorbachev says party must not oppose change John Rettie reports from Moscow on Gorbachev 's attempt to retain the power of the Communists .
28 ‘ One of our researchers is American and he brought some over and it 's simply fantastic , ’ says Party worker John Reece .
29 Henceforth each successive royal election provoked party conflicts and personal intrigues which often led to civil war , as well as pressure and even forcible intervention from abroad on behalf of competing candidates .
30 Thus Paisley was free to create party policy and to articulate it without having to convince a large membership .
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