Example sentences of "[verb] people " in BNC.

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1 Berlin army joins people 's cause .
2 They are training people to do it that way , to batter people down . ’
3 Jettisoning people and property is another way to save money .
4 It is I would suggest much easier to respond to the complaint in the line of service sir than it is in one round more complex technical services with contractors and sub contractors and the like , with whom we 've had to deal , so there is that to be borne in mind as well , erm I think I know about some of the response to be responded to that , but it does generally valuable this talk , this discussion cos it does show the degree of viability of exposing the service to , your making problems of this nature , it immediately challenges people to come back and say what about it , you promised this , you promised that and you 're not performing , this , this is discussion is a live example of the
5 I thought our social services people did that if they run that why should they direct people away from their own livelihoods .
6 However , as it is the only qualification in this area , we have endless problems in discouraging people from attributing to it all sorts of accreditations for which it was not designed and have to point out that it does not qualify people to interpret , give advice or act on behalf of others .
7 The pronouncement of big statements is anathema to Juliana because she feels her point of view changes from time to time and she 's afraid of saying too much in case she alienates people , but she does admit to finding life in America ‘ scary ’ at the moment .
8 What about like contraception should be integral part of it , and abortion and the options open to you , but I think it 's very important that we are taught it , we 're taught it in a heterosexual basis , and that 's just not the case , and that just alienates people any more , really more from a very early age .
9 The problem with ballet is it alienates people because it is culture .
10 ‘ You know how the mental hospitals send people 's lunatics home to them now — even the ones who think they 're Napoleon or a poached egg .
11 Erm and on this side we send people out for two days before they come in to training so they are at least familiar with what what we do .
12 whether they send people on a course , whether they send people on a course because they 're long term unemployed and having finished the course then do n't get a job but they are no longer long term unemployed .
13 whether they send people on a course , whether they send people on a course because they 're long term unemployed and having finished the course then do n't get a job but they are no longer long term unemployed .
14 erm Magistrates only send people to prison because they feel the circumstances of the case justify it and erm I think in the public mind erm the criticism is more often the reverse , that Magistrates are too soft , and I 've heard Lord Hailsham say more than once that if we do pay a price for the lay magistrate system it is leniency because what happens , and the difference between the lay magistrate system and the stipendiary system or the Crown Court system is that Magistrates do sit in threes , and what that tends to do is lead to compromises in sentence because discussion between three people irons out extreme views and you do tend to end up with a very well considered compromise view , which probably does tend to be more lenient than a sentence imposed by any one person who might himself take a very serious view of the circumstances .
15 So you send people over to Bath , do you , to see it .
16 In the great store wars to get customers in , supermarkets invented the ‘ loss leader ’ — lines such as bread on which they were prepared to make a small loss if it lured people in .
17 So I mean , we could , we could recruit people in to do it , but the problem there is they 've got to be free at the times when this course runs .
18 The guillotine motion after 10 o'clock tonight will attempt to preclude sensible contributions , attempt to preclude people from dealing with the difficulties and technicalities in the Bill , and pose a real problem for those of us who believe that local government is not a political football to be kicked about at whim , but an essential part of our democracy for the provision of essential services .
19 All these Press people — cameras everywhere .
20 Press people to clarify their disagreements with examples .
21 Have you come here to bomb people ? ’
22 This involved a very wide range of tasks associated with identifying individual needs , matching people to appropriate service developments , supporting volunteers and helping prepare people and their carers to make use of services ( for example , helping people to develop group living skills in a group home , helping parents plan to ‘ let go ’ and supporting residents in their new homes ) .
23 When I say I ca n't see people I think it 's the lighting but there is a sort of a I ca n't recognise people by face .
24 The failure to prioritise needs realistically or to genuinely recognise people 's individuality sometimes leads to competition for resources which badly damages the educational chances of some individuals .
25 By nature , he was a gentle , sensitive man , and even in the throes of angry threats against whites it was hard to hide a smile , for he loved what the blacks call ‘ selling wolf tickets ’ , tricking people into fear .
26 of tricking people into believing sort of things that are n't true , which they 're saying that er they 're talking to deceased people like people said they talked to er Elvis Presley
27 I myself am guilty , he wrote , in that I want the glass to be seen , I want it placed in a morgue and I want people to come in and see it , pay money and come in and see it , if needs be .
28 ‘ I want people to come and see me playing Billy , not Adrian Boswell , in the same way as they went to watch Michael Crawford , not Frank Spencer . ’
29 There is no altogether painless way of escaping from a pay-as-you-go scheme , particularly if you want people to make substitute provision .
30 The print of her body was vague and abstract like those blots psychologists want people to interpret , only this one was cabbage green .
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