Example sentences of "[verb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 The villa was run to support everyone who lived there , but as well as this , surplus products , especially wool and grain , were traded with other parts of Britain and with provinces all over the Roman Empire .
2 But the grasses whispered nothing awake , the fetch
3 ‘ Then the owners had some capital tied up in their slaves so it cost them if one died , but now they lose nothing . ’
4 He asked nothing but justice of Heaven , and of man he asked only a fair field ; and his father seeing of how good heart he was , gave him his sword and his blessing .
5 Simon looked at him curiously , but asked nothing .
6 They were treated well and they asked nothing more of life .
7 Good girl ! " he commended Lally as kindly as he would any keen bitch , and asked nothing further .
8 But he asked nothing ; it was not his habit to woo men from their clan allegiance , or try to make dishonest use of a man he wished to employ honestly .
9 My Lord let me speak plainly , I introduced the topic of when he was recaptured , I asked nothing about what was .
10 ‘ Well , here goes nothing , ’ she said cheerfully , and jumped in .
11 But they raised the question of authority only in the most ambiguous terms : ‘ we have yet made no mention of change in authority nor has it even entered our hearts , but seeing that France and the Queen Regent here , her priests , etc. , intend nothing but suppressing Christ 's evangel … we are fully purposed to seek the next remedy and withstand their tyranny ’ .
12 So , if a couple are not married , the surviving partner receives nothing at all under the Intestacy Rules .
13 An exciting yacht that fulfils everyone 's expectations , she is stylish , luxurious and very fast .
14 Bring nothing with you , ’ she had advised and , laughing uproariously , told me to keep the taxi window up .
15 John is convinced visitors bring nothing but good to York .
16 These acts , whether in Northern Ireland or on the mainland , in London or outside , bring nothing but feelings of utter revulsion to every British citizen , except the handful of warped minds who commit such atrocities .
17 But the location is , as it were , accidental , and contributes nothing to the tension between Circe and Persephone as it has been teased out , in this passage along with others , by Guy Davenport ( see his ‘ Persephone 's Ezra ’ , in New Approaches to Ezra Pound ) .
18 The Fool , played by Raymond Greenaway , is a follower of the Eddie Grundy method and contributes nothing .
19 Thus the illustration contributes nothing to the text , which runs ‘ Edward [ actually Edgar ! ] lightly sprung aside and avoided the cut aimed at him , and then delivered a blow with all his force just in front of the ear , and the man dropped again as if shot . ’
20 Such cynical behaviour and insincerity is a waste of parliamentary time and contributes nothing to democratic government .
21 I never use plonk — it contributes nothing to the recipe and can ruin a dish .
22 Generally speaking , a dependent item is expected to bring to a construction semantic traits not already prefigured in the head ; if the dependent item contributes nothing new , the resulting combination is pleonastic .
23 Consider the noun phrase ? a male uncle : the trait ‘ male ’ is encapsulated in uncle ; male contributes nothing new , so the combination is pleonastic .
24 I learned that even if you pay the mortgage on your home and your husband contributes nothing to bills , you can not legally lock him out of the matrimonial home .
25 Cos he he , he can not be positive he contributes nothing !
26 she do n't knock nothing off !
27 He had that irritating manner of believing all was well and trusting everyone completely .
28 Well that 's there somewhere Geoff , cos I would n't throw nothing away , you know I do n't .
29 ‘ World Day of the Sick ’ is a special time of prayer and sharing , of offering one 's suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding everyone to see in his sick brother or sister the face of Christ who , by suffering , dying and rising , achieved the salvation of mankind .
30 Jones responded by reminding everyone that the DOE had been funding his work for nearly three years already , that he had positive results ready to publish , that the DOE funding agent had encouraged him to go ahead and that he was due to speak about them at the Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society in Baltimore during 1–4 May .
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