Example sentences of "[noun] like " in BNC.

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1 Option ( b ) could have taken the following forms : ( i ) an attack on the forces/territory of those seeking to obstruct free navigation ; ( ii ) escort activity to defend merchant shipping seeking to exercise the right to free navigation ; and ( iii ) clearing wreckage or mines endangering free passage through Gulf waterways like the Strait of Hormuz .
2 A heavy overcast like a poison gas cloud was stationary over the battered city .
3 Of course the most cursory glance at Dunning 's ‘ Threnody in Sapphics ’ ( not to speak of more miserable performances like ‘ Isabelle of Hainault ’ in The Exile number 3 ) shows that Pound had , as it were , no alternative ; there was no way to vindicate Dunning by imagist principles .
4 Performances like this prove we are not as flimsy as people think . ’
5 With only four home games left away points are soon going to have to be picked up but with performances like this , it looks unlikely .
6 Nor were such views confined to prejudiced and exasperated Englishmen : performances like Medellin ( March 1809 ) , Ocaña ( September 1809 ) , astonished the French .
7 Payne 's operatic path to Leeds began in the late Fifties with a teenage passion nurtured on legendary performances like Callas 's Sonnambula , the Visconti-Giulini Don Carlo , and Nilsson singing Wagner at Bayreuth .
8 If United are to avoid relegation against all the odds , they 'll need more performances like this 5-2 win over fellow strugglers Newcastle , a result which prompted the Tynesiders to sack the manager and call for Kevin Keegan .
9 And the success story is set to continue into the Premier League if John King 's team produce more performances like the one which saw off promotion rivals Leicester .
10 Gone on record as saying ‘ if performances like this is n't going to do you any good , you have n't lost one match this season through the merit of the opposing side ’
11 Besides , he wrote , now that I am at last working on the big glass and have set up the two panels and locked them into their metal frame , notions like success and failure are no longer pertinent , there is only the project and its outcome , project , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , outcome , and words like success and failure can safely be left to others , wrote Harsnet .
12 Henry noted how the detective inspector 's speech had now widened to include words like ‘ poison ’ and ‘ murderer ’ .
13 I mean , you use words like ‘ incandescent ’ and ‘ eminently ’ .
14 Words like ‘ condom ’ are now used freely in conversation .
15 Consequently , words like ‘ colonel ’ or ‘ yacht ’ are pronounced as if they were non-words .
16 ‘ Now , now , good feminists do n't use words like that . ’
17 He drops , or there happen to be dropped , sore words like ‘ Napoleon ’ and ‘ axe ’ into his discourse .
18 Words like the locust-shells , moved by no inner being ;
19 words like preluciand , which have a folk tradition and are , in feeling , germane to all Europe : Leuchand , luisant , lucente : these words are absent in Miltonism , and purely pedantic words , like irriguous , have succeeded them .
20 Words like these are something to hang onto when people ask ‘ Why is opera fashionable now ? ’
21 This does not mean that the old books can provide us with no concrete evidence from the past , but it does mean that old books must be read with delicacy ; with a sense that if we go blundering into them , assuming that they mean what we mean by words like sky , earth , history or nature we shall get everything wrong .
22 ‘ After all , words like ‘ wispy ’ and ‘ short ’ mean different things to different people , ’ she said .
23 All TransAction documentation has been approved by Clarity ( The lawyers ' campaign for the use of plain English ) and words like ‘ vendor ’ and ‘ purchaser ’ are replaced by ‘ seller ’ and ‘ buyer ’ .
24 Peter Yeo , who had personally persuaded Barton of the presentational disadvantage of using words like ‘ darkies ’ , ‘ niggers ’ or ‘ wogs ’ , decided that ‘ immigrants ’ even though used in the manner of one invoking a curse , was as good as he was going to get with this particular client .
25 But exceptions have had to be made for words like prie-Dieu ( prayer-stool ) , which will remain without an x in the plural so as to avoid blasphemous implications .
26 In 1835 the oi diphthong was systematically changed to ai in accordance with modern pronunciation in words like françois .
27 Berkeley remarks that the opinion that words like ‘ good ’ and ‘ happiness ’ ‘ stand for general notions abstracted from all particular persons and actions ’ has ‘ rendered morality difficult , and the study thereof of less use to mankind ’ .
28 They were not her words : she did n't use words like ‘ tragic ’ .
29 We had been waiting all Genesis for words like those .
30 ‘ People may think there 's something sardonic about Leeds United fans walking round with words like ‘ peace ’ and ‘ love ’ on their backs , ’ says T-shirt designer Moose , ‘ It might not solve football 's hooligan problem , but at least they look a lot better than wax-coats and ski-hats .
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