Example sentences of "[noun] or " in BNC.

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1 During the sixteenth century , a series of proclamations targeted the major object of early police work — the ‘ suspectid person ’ and ‘ any maner of beggers or vacabond or eny evill disposed person ’ who were to be driven from the streets .
2 Their visibility or otherwise , the ways in which they are coded , policed , censored , constructed , praised or punished , the ways in which and levels at which they are represented as engaging with the viewer , and the contexts in which women 's bodies are placed in images and how images of women 's bodies are then distributed and consumed — all this adds up to a subtle politics of the representation of women 's bodies .
3 Avoid strong tides , offshore winds , poor visibility or sailing in the dark .
4 found that a left field superiority in reaction time emerged only with an inter.stimulus interval of 100 msec. or longer .
5 The strongest selling point for AEs at DPR or LHW was the " limited liability " concept , which meant clients could lose no more money than they put in .
6 Part-timers or job-sharers are increasing but still a rarity in the middle or higher levels of management .
7 Even in the daytime , the majority of you feel worried if you walk through a subway or are in a multi-storey car park .
8 If he remembered our meeting in the subway or my relationship to my aunt , very correctly , he gave no sign .
9 This may be by way of theory , or on more matter-of-fact lines about technique or such questions as composition .
10 The negation had nothing to do with technique or abstraction .
11 We each have shopping lists of awkward analytes or matrices that we hope to ‘ tame ’ by some new technique or development that offers specificity , sensitivity , precision , economy , and speed .
12 There are many illustrations throughout which offer a visual display of the technique or design which the text is referring to .
13 Persuading trout to rise has nothing whatsoever to do with weather conditions , casting technique or the selection of flies .
14 Certainly he never became an outstanding dancer , but as a performer he did have a feeling for movement and character that enabled him to make a theatrical impact in some roles not needing much technique or classical style .
15 Most of the game is mental — being able to keep your head clear and retain a certain outlook on life should mean that bad times are neither so frequent nor so lengthy as they would be if you start examining your technique or doubting your ability .
16 Conversely , all of the technique or relationship skill in the world is useless in and of itself .
17 ‘ A person who returns from a course anxious to practise a new technique or skill will quickly lose enthusiasm if efforts are met with hostility or indifference .
18 ‘ Michelet has strong emotions , and he smears what he feels on to paper without caring in the least how he does it , and without giving the slightest thought to technique or conventional forms — just shaping it into any form that can be understood by those who want to understand it . ’
19 The new realism owed nothing in technique or substance to the romances of Tolkien and Lewis .
20 True enough but , as I shall argue below , AI is not an experimental science but an engineering technique or , if you want something more dignified , a practical task in the alchemical tradition , and what I have to say about its suggestiveness for investigating the nature of consciousness rests entirely on that fact .
21 Too often , public readers are not trained , either in technique or in appreciation of their role , for this important ministry of mediating the power of the word .
22 Indeed , you are permitted to make a faithful copy of a famous painting if you wish , as a means to master a particular technique or learn something of a process or style .
23 Instead of pitting the small firms against large firms , specialization by technique or process in a pervasive network of subcontracting forges a partnership which seems to have maintained the widely dispersed structure .
24 Instead of pitting the small firms against large firms , specialization by technique or process in a pervasive network of subcontracting forges a partnership which seems to have maintained the widely dispersed structure .
25 Thus , although cases do occur of physical incompatibility , these difficulties can often be overcome with some technique or another , and complaint of non-satisfaction in either partner should be viewed with some mistrust until certainly established as due to this reason .
26 But sometimes it is a case of a more specific influence ; a concept , technique or even piece of equipment which acts as an exemplar , parallel or metaphor in another field .
27 All expertise in a particular technique or on a certain topic can be gathered together in one place , and the level of collective knowledge can then be ascertained , supported and made available .
28 If you are beginning the game , changing your swing technique or just practising constructively , your learning capacity will have limits .
29 It seems businesses have never set out to choose in a deliberate and disciplined way which technique or techniques are likely to be the most effective , given the circumstances and the resources available .
30 Several physiologists have used gall bladders from animal species to study ion transport and the electrical properties of the epithelium by applying either the Ussing chamber technique or whole organ preparation technique .
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