Example sentences of "a glance at the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He spared a glance at the ragged specimens of humanity crouched against the wall and wondered how many of them had once been prosperous farmers or innkeepers or tradesmen .
2 A glance at the Financial Times or Money Management will reveal the large number and variety of offshore funds in existence .
3 A glance at the vested interests of the four debaters , debating whether sports-climbing is threatening the traditional ethos of British climbing , throws up interesting comparisons .
4 The third of Salter and Tapper 's concept , the ‘ means ’ to support change , has not been offered to arts education , whereas funds for the development of more vocationally orientated education have been forthcoming , as a glance at the original categories of ESGs , TVEI and GRIST demonstrates .
5 They backed the horse between the traces and untied her hobble without a glance at the Horsey townsfolk who watched them from a very great distance .
6 A glance at the assembled guests told him what he already knew — that no one looked quite as good as he did .
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