Example sentences of "the [noun sg] from [noun] to capitalism " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The middle peasantry may be a revolutionary force during the transition from feudalism to capitalism , a conservative force in capitalism , a fascist force under the threat of socialism ( or capitalism in crisis ) , and a reactionary force under socialism , ( Kay 1978 : 119 ) .
2 The mode of production is , as always , important and , as Kay suggests , the transition from feudalism to capitalism may well stimulate peasant action .
3 He argues that petty commodity production exists as a subordinate form in all modes of production , but thrives particularly in the transition from feudalism to capitalism .
4 The last point indicates the importance of the expanding market system and the transition from feudalism to capitalism as homogenizing forces in the later reduction of local differences .
5 For Marxist thinkers this has usually meant the accession to power of a new class , involving the transformation of the whole social system , as in the transition from feudalism to capitalism , or from capitalism to socialism .
6 Its source , in the thought of Marx himself , was evidently a reflection upon the revolutions of the eighteenth century , and upon the broad features of the transition from feudalism to capitalism .
7 At the same time , the rise of this new class , and the transition from feudalism to capitalism which it accomplished in Western Europe , were made possible by other transformations and political or cultural conflicts ; by the establishment of centralized , effectively administered nation states , and by the religious struggles from which emerged the Protestant sects and the diffusion of the Protestant ethic , which at the very least contributed to the self-confidence and determination of the bourgeoisie , promoted a climate of opinion favourable to its activities , and perhaps hastened its triumph .
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