Example sentences of "varies [prep] [noun] to [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 In many polygynous species reproductive success varies from hour to hour and day to day and this may cause variation in IRS or DRS to overestimate variation in SRS and LRS .
2 The condition of the patient on transfer varies from theatre to theatre and depends upon whether or not the theatre has a recovery room where patients recover from the immediate effects of the anaesthetic .
3 Flesh varies from green to orange and is juicy and refreshing .
4 We shall see that in fact , Black British speakers focus on the broadest Creole variety , though they code switch between this and British English to an extent which varies from individual to individual and from situation to situation .
5 The frequency and extent of the roll varies from day to day and from one set of conditions to another .
6 The critical moment for harvest varies from year to year and from one plant to the next .
7 As Mensching ( 1988 ) has discussed , erratic rainfall means that the boundary of rainfed cultivation varies from year to year and , as has been mentioned above , land-use pressures have intensified , including cash-crop production .
8 The way in which such imputed values are found varies from case to case and is seldom straightforward .
9 Sexual need — sexual urge , libido , call it what you will — varies from person to person and , in the individual , varies somewhat from time to time .
10 The Bullock Committee found that ‘ [ t ] he role of a board varies from company to company and is constantly changing with the requirements of business .
11 I think the problem is , that at the moment sex education is so arbitrary and it varies from school to school and from house to house I think they have to make it like a core part of the curriculum , make it compulsory and make it uniform throughout the country , so everybody 's getting the same education , the same quality I think that 'll help .
12 The actual number of Greater London boroughs controlled by each party naturally varies from election to election and is strongly affected by the national political climate .
13 Who are defined as enemies and what action is taken against them varies from country to country and from time to time .
14 The successor republics have all adopted presidential-type systems , although the degree of power and authority inhering in the executive president varies from republic to republic and according to prevailing political conditions .
15 When we do this , we find that a critic 's range of activities varies from place to place and period to period .
16 The problem then needs to be formulated in scientific terms and this requires the object to have some property which is unique to its origin , but which varies from place to place and is not significantly modified by manufacture ; the property must also be scientifically detectable .
17 Thus the activities of successive Conservative governments since 1979 may have made the re-emergence of local political activity more likely , but the form that this activity takes , how it varies from place to place and how it develops will be shaped by the interaction of local and national processes .
18 The pH balance of soil varies from place to place and among other factors depends on the bedrock beneath .
19 The number of youngsters sniffing varies from place to place and at different times .
20 The exact wording of these regulations varies from place to place and , having retired from Southampton , he was freer to do ‘ way out research ’ .
21 In earlier times the quality of the information provided by a register varies from place to place and from incumbent to incumbent .
22 The construction of the task is a dynamic process which varies from age to age and society to society .
23 First , because of the differing seeds and the differing parameters , what is a good performance ( in terms of realized profit ) varies from seed to seed and from parameter pair to parameter pair .
24 The budget varies from store to store and shop to shop , depending on the attitude of the retailer .
25 We have grown used to selecting fine wines according to their origin , and you do n't have to be an expert to appreciate that the quality and flavour of different grapes varies from region to region and country to country , as well as in the grape varieties themselves .
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