Example sentences of "handed over [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Raiders like the Savannah , most feared of the Southern privateers , were secretly handed over to the Confederates in the Azores , by a merchant class who had helped finance and develop the southern plantations and economy .
2 NVA barracks and training areas were being handed over to the government for civilian use as rapidly as possible .
3 In evidence earlier this week Lord Aldington , 75 , formerly Brigadier Toby Lowe , who was chief of staff to General Sir Charles Keightley , commander of the British Army 's V Corps in Allied occupied Austria , said he had not known until 1979 what had happened happened to the Yugoslavs when they were handed over to the forces of Marshall Tito .
4 The bases were officially handed over to the army at noon today .
5 The State Department thus confirmed Macmillan 's recommendation that the Cossacks in 5 Corps area should be handed over to the Soviets in accordance with the Yalta agreement .
6 Refused by all , he doggedly returned to Scotland and carried on guerilla warfare until , captured by further treachery , he was handed over to the English by the sheriff of Dumbarton .
7 The statement said that Col. Robertson had died when his plane crashed over North Vietnam in 1966 and that his remains had been handed over to the USA in April 1990 .
8 Having been offered shelter by one of the Armstrongs , Hector of Hardlaw , whom he had helped some years previously , he was treacherously handed over to the Earl of Moray , Regent of Scotland since Mary 's enforced abdication .
9 In the Kandyan Kingdom a man convicted for assault could be handed over to the complainant to be beaten , and thefts were often resolved by the return of the stolen property , plus further compensation .
10 They were kicked senseless and then handed over to the Military Police who locked them up in the roofless regimental prison before they were handed over to the Colonel of the Regiment for interrogation and questioning .
11 Prisoners arrested for Forest trespasses ought to have been handed over to the sheriff of Rutland for imprisonment in Oakham castle , but Neville put them in his own gaol at Allexton , which was ‘ full of water at the bottom ’ , and bound them with iron chains .
12 Justice Desmond Windle ordered at Dublin District Court that Anthony Gerard Sloan , 35 , from Summerville Drive , Belfast , who is serving 20 years for possession of an M-60 machine gun , be handed over to the RUC at the Co Louth border .
13 Will he also condemn the scandalous proposal that when the PSA is privatised , up to £85 million of taxpayers ' money should be handed over by the Government to Tarmac , which will take it over , so that any proposed redundancies of men and women in the PSA will be paid not by the privatising company but by the taxpayer ?
14 Instead , the presidential insignia and other symbols of government were handed over by the president of the anti-communist Polish government which had been in exile in London since 1939 , Ryszard Kaczorowski .
15 On Lord Mayor 's Day , when the new Lord Mayor is elected , the staff is handed over by the father of the city council to the sheriff 's lady to keep the sheriff himself in order .
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