Example sentences of "reminded me of the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 SEEING THE ARTICLE on the ‘ 109 in the July issue of FlyPast reminded me of the first time I saw it .
2 He reminded me of the tight-lipped heroes in war films — the name and number ploy ; more you will not get even if you carve strips off me .
3 ‘ Its note is a loud ringing and very peculiar sound , somewhat resembling the worlds Clink , clink , several times repeated , and strongly reminded me of the distant sound of the stroke on a blacksmith 's anvil , and hence the term ‘ arguta ’ appeared to me to be an appropriate specific appellation for this new species . ’
4 My companion put it to me that an initiative must now be taken , and reminded me of the unrecorded conversation at the time of my appointment .
5 Recording this news reminded me of the valuable role played by Area Presidents in guiding their Area and representing the Areas at a variety of events and functions .
6 I had a mental picture of the conductor on the red London bus talking to Hammouda the village postman , of the English boy 's friends playing with Khadija 's grandson , especially Margaret , whose hair reminded me of the coloured feather duster Khadija 's grandson had pleaded for everytime he saw it in the market , thinking that it was a toy or a bird .
7 As we drank our wine , Pumblechook reminded me of the happy times he and I had spent together during my childhood .
8 She had such colour , such brightness , that sometimes she reminded me of the whirling mosaics , except that she was n't fragmented but unusually complete .
9 Now er reminded me of the next thing really I ought to have got on to .
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