Example sentences of "end up with [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now this slide really takes the behind , takes us behind the first figure on the on the consolidated F R S One cash flow table and it really traces hard despite the reduction in profits , the very strong performance in working capital that Frank eluded to earlier means that er we actually end up with a net cash flow for operating activities more than thirty five million pounds higher .
2 You discover a long lost pocket of goodness in your soul and end up with a sore neck after adopting a passable imitation of a toy dog on the back shelf of a car .
3 Like we 've had women who have wet their knickers and then put them on the radiator to dry , or just swilled them out in the sink and end up with a smelly room .
4 I always end up with a dry throat in here with all this heat
5 Assuming you end up with a new settlement .
6 You end up with a gridded image with each square a different combination of negative exposure and flash exposure .
7 You end up with a gridded image with each square a different combination of negative exposure and flash exposure .
8 I end up with a flat battery about once a week even though the dynamo , heavy duty battery and voltage regulator have been replaced .
9 And if you multiply those together , you end up with a negative total .
10 If you are going this route is would help if you employed an accountant with some experience in operating computerised accounting systems and your own accountants would again give you lack of expertise in this area be better to get involved in the recruitment process to ensure that you end up with a suitable individual to run your system .
11 People just jump straight in , do the first bit , erm , having done the first bit , they then think about how they 're gon na fit in the next bit , and you end up with a rambling mess that er , does n't fit together , does n't work together too well .
12 You thus end up with a whole batch of specific tasks to carry out , some over several months , even years .
13 Before , you might be able to say , if you have n't got the right results , you can get away with padding out your lab report and writing a lot of background , so that would bung your mark up a bit , but this year , you can do that and you still end up with a bad mark if you 've got bad results .
14 You must do all the inserts first and then copy down so that you end up with the right formula at the end of the day which is the C five , C eight .
15 Here 's a checklist to help ensure you end up with the right advice .
16 They too have assumed that there is something natural and self-evident about the human individual as a separate physical body , but then , in order to distinguish their own field of enquiry from that of the physical anthropologists , they have reified their special concept of culture to a point where we end up with the implicit definition : " Culture is everything which concerns the life and behaviour of human beings which is not an aspect of human nature , as the physical anthropologists perceive it . "
17 Whichever we use we end up with the following integration for the potential of an infinite line charge :
18 We substitute those into the Z scores and lo and behold , at the bottom of the page , you end up with the maximum value of those of the product of X Y , sorry Z X and Z Y is N minus one .
19 You could sell your present home , move into smaller accommodation and end up with the double bonus of pocketing a lump sum and reducing your running costs .
20 YOU COULD say without fear of litigation or a severe kicking behind the pub that Stereolab 's greatest strengths is their ability to rip off six other bands within five minutes and still end up with an identifiable sound which is rarely overshadowed by any of its mentors .
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