Example sentences of "resulted [prep] a [adj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Massive demonstrations in Bangkok against the premiership of Gen. Suchinda Kraprayoon resulted in a violent military crackdown in mid-May .
2 From the mid 1960s to the early 1970s the finance of direct investment through foreign borrowing and overseas profits in fact resulted in a small net balance to be added to the reserves .
3 The Northern team won 2-1 , but the second match , played in Seoul on Oct. 23 , resulted in a 1-0 Southern victory .
4 LASMO 's heavy development programme resulted in a continued upward pressure on Group indebtedness and balance sheet gearing during 1992 .
5 Another happy collaboration between the Sports Council 's Greater London and South East Region Movement and Dance Liaison Group and the Westminster City Council resulted in a superb participatory weekend of movement and dance held at the Seymour Leisure Centre , 24–25 October , at which the Medau Society provided a Teachers ' Workshop and a Recreational Class , both taught by Margaret Charlwood .
6 Subsequently , the futures price led the spot price by five to ten minutes and , at a time of rapid price movements , this resulted in a large negative basis .
7 The marital fertility of agricultural labourers actually rose during the late nineteenth century relative to other social groups , and this , together with their low levels of infant mortality , resulted in a large average family size .
8 Gastro-oesophageal reflux of gas resulted in a peculiar manometric pattern consisting of repetitive peristaltic pressure waves that were not related to swallowing .
9 This resulted in a whole new breed of machine tools and techniques .
10 But wastage was also high because of interference from the normal background noise of day-to-day living ; on one occasion , interference from electronic equipment in the room resulted in a whole blank tape .
11 Obstructive symptoms then resulted in a further small bowel resection but he did not achieve remission despite prednisolone .
12 which resulted in a near dead tie , although it was the Russians , in October 1957 , who were able to launch their ‘ Sputnik ’ first , the Americans launching their ‘ Explorer 1 ’ , just two months later .
13 Elections to the national and provincial assemblies , held on Oct. 24 and 27 , resulted in a massive electoral defeat for the Pakistan People 's Party ( PPP ) .
14 In April 1977 general government expenditure was redefined to bring the UK into line with OECD accounting methods , and resulted in an apparent overnight reduction of some 6% in measured public expenditure .
15 In some cases , however , the information on contacts may be slender , particularly if the sexual encounter followed a pick-up in a pub or resulted from a drunken all-night party which had been gate-crashed , and the contact-tracer may then be involved in trips , often abortive , to the Jolly Fig and Navel in the seedier part of town to try to locate Suzie — ‘ … the one with the long blonde hair , pink mini-skirt , and acne ’ .
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