Example sentences of "to hang [adv prt] [prep] the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Instructions are to hang in between the taps and any trapped spider will climb up it and away to other parts .
2 A little bit more , just a little bit , and surely she would be able to hang down over the edge and drop gently into the water below .
3 I did n't twig at the time but really she just wanted to hang out in the shop and she was coming up with any old excuse she could find to be in there .
4 Arriving in Cyprus ahead of Othello , an understandably nervous Desdemona is forced to hang around on the quay and , in an effortful charade of lightheartedness , swap bawdy banter with Iago and company .
5 She could n't be expected to hang around with the press and everyone else knowing that she was responsible for last night 's false alarm .
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