Example sentences of "concluded [conj] the [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The Ovens committee continued its activity , organizing a press conference in Cork at which Alan Dalton of the BSSRS and Nancy Tait of the House of Commons Asbestos Action Committee spoke and the committee presented its report , which concluded that the planned emission of asbestos fibres into the atmosphere and the lack of effective control of this by the authorities represented a major health risk to the local population .
2 The employer concluded that the possible accommodation of appointing a reader to assist the applicant would not be reasonable as it would result in the duties of employment being largely performed by the reader and not by the applicant .
3 A survey published by the European Community ( EC ) European Environment Agency on Nov. 9 , 1989 , concluded that the general health of forests within the EC 's 12 member states had deteriorated substantially over the past 10 years .
4 Scientists concluded that the strong opposition of the public and congress to sea dumping is the result of " environmental hysteria " .
5 Midwinter 's examination of government data concluded that the pupil-teacher ratio of rich L.A.s was no better than that of poor L.A.s .
6 By the end of the year both girls concluded that the nineteenth-century atmosphere of Rhydoldog was not for them , and left .
7 After a survey of 140 local authorities , the RIBA concluded that the total backlog of repairs and maintenance work to the public sector housing stock was in excess of £10 billion .
8 But he noted that there had been great differences over the issue of securing international guarantees for the zone , and concluded that the practical realisation of the zone idea was a long-term task .
9 Kogan attempted to test the Niskanen thesis in the context of British government policy in the late 1970s to cut educational expenditure , and concluded that the administrative culture of the civil service militated against the inflation of costs .
10 As a result the authors concluded that the final proportion of students obtaining good results would almost certainly be higher .
11 The June 1982 Versailles Economic Summit concluded that the public acceptance of new technologies is an important element in securing growth and employment .
12 Given all these considerations , some supposedly empirical , but others more clearly normative , Schumpeter concluded that the proper role of the people was to choose their rulers through competitive elections , and then leave them to get on with the business of governing .
13 He concluded that the northern limit of totality was just south of his location .
14 It concluded that the Simonian concept of state medicine was far in advance of public opinion and was likely to remain so for some time to come .
15 To this extent , Marxism 's universalizing narrative of the unfolding of a rational system of world history is simply a negative form of the history of European imperialism : it was Hegel , after all , who declared that ‘ Africa has no history ’ , and it was Marx who , though critical of British imperialism , concluded that the British colonization of India was ultimately for the best because it brought India into the evolutionary narrative of Western history , thus creating the conditions for future class struggle there .
16 He rapidly concluded that the classical ideal of government by the people was not only impossible but also undesirable on account of the proven ignorance , irrationality and apathy of the people .
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