Example sentences of "adds [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , Paolucci in his translation of Beccaria ( 1963 , p. 74 ) ( not the one used by Taylor , Walton and Young ) adds the following footnote to the above passage :
2 Luke adds the extra comment about the failing of the sun 's light .
3 4.00pm Linda adds the final touch to the swill roll .
4 It adds the right touch of the sumptuous and exotic to the dry Ewardian neo-classicism of the immense gallery which runs the full length of the BM 's north façade .
5 Of course , it is quite possible to use in other positions an adjective that adds no fresh property to the entity to which it is applied , as in ( 14 ) ( ordinary predicative position ) and ( 15 ) ( predicate qualifier ) : ( 14 ) ( 15 ) However , failure to contribute a fresh property is not the essence of non-restriction .
6 ‘ Quite passionately , as we 've already agreed , which adds a certain zest to the other thing that 's between us .
7 Whether it is something as special as a wedding bouquet or as simple as a few flowers gathered on a picnic outing together , knowing where and when the flowers were picked or used adds a great deal to the meaning of the picture , and the recipient will be very touched at your thoughtful and generous gesture .
8 The beautiful foliage with leathery texture , adds a pleasant contrast to the tank flora .
9 It adds a macabre touch to the bones from the hospital .
10 As Robinson ( 1985 , p. 42 ) puts it , ‘ the FMI merely adds a new twist to the whole question of … civil servants ’ answerability to Parliament' .
11 Mitchell Beazley adds a new title to the RHS Encyclopedia of Practical Gardening : Water Gardening , by Philip Swindells ( 1 85732 974 0 ) , and revises another : Gardening Techniques by Alan Titchmarsh ( 976 7 ) , both March , £7.99 .
12 Here further evidence adds a new element to the mystery .
13 One version of the story has Massaccio losing all of his clothes as well , which not only adds a new possibility to the origin of the saying ‘ to lose your shirt ’ , but also a certain piquancy to the vision of the gambler outside the church .
14 Furthermore , the possibility of endoscopic intervention adds a new perspective to the management of Dieulafoy 's disease .
15 He finds it adds a surreal quality to the ‘ dream ’ collages , and he 's recently used the process to create a CD cover for a band called David Cross ( ex-King Crimson ) .
16 He finds it adds a surreal quality to the ‘ dream ’ collages , and he 's recently used the process to create a CD cover for a band called David Cross ( ex-King Crimson ) .
17 It is worth noting as well that the picture not only confirms that the crocodile enjoyed the party but it also adds a little detail to the wish-fulfilling story : friendship , a party with plenty to eat — and music !
18 The escape , made possible in part by the chemical explosion in Quinn of the Fury , is followed by a series of independent forays in which Quinn seizes a French sloop carrying hides by following it into a secret harbour and pretending he and his men are drunken sailors returning on board , rescues Royalist prisoners from a castle by skulking and climbing , seizes another French ship by disguising the prize vessel under his command as French , and outwits a pirate ship by means of a collision ( rescuing , by the way , a young Contessa who adds a romantic touch to the story ) .
19 The clean channel 's volume control comes next , and when cranked to 7 reaches the clip threshold ; anything above that adds a soft distortion to the sound .
20 There 's a fabulous swooping line in the C7 section which uses the C mixolydian mode ( C , D , E , F , G , A , B♭ ) plus the flattened 3rd E♭ which adds a bluesy touch to the phrase .
21 The focus on timetabling also adds a different dimension to the concept of reciprocity in family responsibilities , in showing how the nature of the calculations which individuals must make itself changes over time .
22 It adds a narrative structure to the destructive anarchy of the shows put on by Mark Pauline and Survival Research Laboratories .
23 It adds a huge oddity to the history of cricket that while President Mugabe ( who once acknowledged that cricket civilises people ) snatches agricultural land from Zimbabwe 's whites for minimal compensation , and with the drought turning much of his land to dust , a former Test cricketer from the region , Jackie du Preez ( South Africa 1966–67 ) , says unequivocally : ‘ We are simply not good enough .
24 The resulting explosions and the unmistakable scramble of stunt men who are literally running for their lives adds a vital touch to the scene .
25 The move is much more towards learning by and from personal experience , not just in nursing , but from everyday life , from contact with others and from previous employment , anything which adds an extra dimension to the way we perceive problems and set about dealing with them .
26 Henry 's voice-over adds an amusing counterpoint to the visuals but by the time we reach his eventual arrest , on drugs charges , in '81 , Scorsese 's frenetic cross-cutting seems to leave the original premise — presumably , the mob 's seductive potency — somewhere in the sidings .
27 Henry 's voice-over adds an amusing counterpoint to the visuals but by the time we reach his eventual arrest , on drugs charges , in '81 , Scorsese 's frenetic cross-cutting seems to leave the original premise — presumably , the mob 's seductive potency — somewhere in the sidings .
28 But He adds an unexpected dimension to the love of one 's neighbour : love of one 's enemy .
29 It has often been the haunt of famous cricketers ( the West Indies team has stayed here ) , and the memorabilia of these visits adds an unusual touch to the decoration of the public rooms .
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