Example sentences of "whom [pron] had meet [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Just as I was writing this book I received a beautiful card from Sue Fuller whom I had met at the Town and Country Festival last year .
2 On the return journey from Fairbanks to Edmonton I enjoyed a two-day stopover in Whitehorse where the manager of the new cinema , whom I had met on the way north , looked me up .
3 If she had n't approached me first I doubt I should have recognised her , she was so different from the plump , fresh-faced girl whom I had met on the train that January morning more than three years ago .
4 But what really made the difference was that I got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde , whom I had met about the time I was diagnosed with ALS .
5 One of her closest allies and friends in the last years of her life was Jane Clifford , whom she had met during the Platt Hall venture and to whom she now offered a new job as historical adviser .
6 That evening , Anderson , at a subdued dinner with McKendrick and Chetwyn , argues with McKendrick about ethical problems before being approached by Hollar 's wife , whom he had met at the searching of the apartment ( scene eight ) .
7 McQueen was accompanied on location by Ali MacGraw , whom he had met on The Getaway , and whose presence he admitted saved him from going round the bend .
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