Example sentences of "find themselves [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Janet 's counsellor Mamie Graham is on the end of a phone 24 hours a day for those who find themselves at the sharp end of crime .
2 Stringent safety measures now operate on buses to help drivers who , like Mr Seymour , find themselves at the sharp end of Strathclyde 's rising tide of serious crime .
3 At its most typical , this new form of innovation is at least primarily a marketing function , and this contrasts sharply with other kinds of innovation , which , governed by internal cultural purposes , often find themselves at the very margin of the market or indeed outside it altogether .
4 One video is not going to stop car crime on its own , but producers believe it may persuade some young people to think twice before they find themselves on the wrong side of the law .
5 Enough of the worms find themselves on the tight-fitting lid so that when I open the bucket I merely have to lower the lid into my aquarium to feed the fish .
6 In addition , during start-up and overload conditions the capacitors ( and their larger parallel damping capacitors , if fitted ) find themselves with the wrong DC bias , and charging occurs through potentially very low impedances .
7 That J&F Johnston find themselves in the Middle East at all is a testament to the good works of Scottish Trade International , the joint Scottish Enterprise/Scottish Office agency .
8 Now , with both Liverpool and Everton among the also-rans the two men find themselves in the ironic position of standing in each others ' way with the Premier League championship up for grabs .
9 Neither would a sovereign state 's government necessarily want to oppose transnational corporations , for the former often find themselves in the unenviable position of needing the latter more than the latter need them .
10 Will the Minister explain what he is going to say to the people of the Holloway area who find themselves in the unenviable position of having the jobcentre with the largest gap between the number of vacancies and the number of registered unemployed ?
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