Example sentences of "coming round [prep] the [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 Users are finally coming round to the idea that applications are more important than the platform , he says , citing the UK supermarket chain , Sainsbury 's , which took ten months to decide that it would move to Unix , choosing its software before inviting companies to bid for the hardware contract .
2 And I can honestly say , along with most people I 'm reluctantly coming round to the concept that the probability is that the county will cease to exist shortly , and there 'll be hopefully not more than two other authorities doing the job we 're currently doing .
3 ‘ Secondly , a number of acoustic players are coming round to the belief that the 12-fret configuration is the best for tone , which it is .
4 Fearful anticipation had proved somewhat worse than the event , and most Viennese were coming round to the opinion that , whatever the failings of Napoleon 's men , they were at least an improvement upon the Hapsburgs ' Russian allies , whom everyone loathed .
5 Indeed I am rather coming round to the view that the trouble last year was not that we failed to produce as good policies as our opponents but that we failed to produce policies for the issues the electorate was most interested in .
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