Example sentences of "so far as he [be] concerned " in BNC.

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1 So far as he 's concerned , he shot you , you fell in the river , and your body was swept away .
2 Since his surplus stock may be in keen demand he may not be able to supply you — but he can at least point you in the right direction by suggesting alternative sources , ones that have proved themselves so far as he is concerned .
3 I do not complain about that so far as he is concerned because no doubt it would be an additional and unnecessary expense for him .
4 So far as he was concerned , I could become a Muslim or a Jew , provided I got good School Certificates .
5 These were cant phrases so far as he was concerned and they missed the point .
6 A lot of people ran away with the idea that they were Pacifists , but so far as he was concerned that was not true .
7 It was plain enough now , from the glance he shot in the general direction of the three of them and the jeep , that so far as he was concerned they were just part and parcel of the trouble generated by the city , the days he had to spend queuing in the tax office , the months he had spent shut up in the squalid , over-crowded prison , the endless haggling with shopkeepers , the disappearance of his good-for-nothing son .
8 So far as he was concerned , a great danger had been averted , and the matter was now closed , but it had a sequel which we may now follow .
9 Anselm acquiesced in this explanation and waited for peace , but then , long after it had been apparent to others , it dawned on him that he must either do the job or give it up — preferably , so far as he was concerned , the latter .
10 He used to say that he did not want to listen to a man like Beethoven , whose stormy music told his hearers all about himself and his troubles , but rather to hear the pure beauty of musical form , which so far as he was concerned reached its acme in Mozart 's classical perfection .
11 The fact that Bunn had both the guarantee and the charge drawn up and executed both by the husband and himself on Friday , 23 July , and his evidence that the wife 's attendance on the Monday was , so far as he was concerned , a mere formality , shows that all that remained was to get the wife 's signature in accordance with bank policy .
12 From the fairly casual manner of Nicholls ' wording and his failure to mention what he had recommended , we may take it that , at least so far as he was concerned , the problem of the status of emigres holding non-Soviet passports had not at this stage been presented as of overwhelming importance or urgency .
13 There was a moment , particularly at tea , when I would sense that our conversation was , so far as he was concerned , due to come to an end .
14 So far as he was concerned , she was fair game ; that accounted for his behaviour in her bedroom , the scene in the hired car last night .
15 In Goldring 's case , the customer had done something clearly conveying to the finance company that he did not own the van and that so far as he was concerned the seller ( the trader ) had every right to sell it .
16 So far as he was concerned they were both promised to other people .
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