Example sentences of "not be excluded from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Under the heading ‘ Social changes ’ the chapter says , in brief , that the deferential society is dead ; and that ‘ the coming of age of democracy in our society is a process that inevitably affects the whole of people 's lives ; it can not be excluded from the workplace . ’
2 Clean air is an example of non-excludability : if some people incur costs to avoid pollution , those who do not pay can not be excluded from the benefits .
3 Welfare benefit work should not be excluded from the scheme ; on the contrary , it should be accorded a high priority .
4 Shipping from the Soviet Union ( a third party to the Treaty of Versailles ) and Poland could not be excluded from the Canal as their navigational rights took priority over Germany 's customary law duties of neutrality .
5 You must not be excluded from the process of pastoral planning and decision making ’ .
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