Example sentences of "be confined to the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 But it is soon clear , also , that cultural analysis can not be confined to the level of formal and conscious beliefs .
2 A corporate role could just be confined to the provision of specialist services , such as marketing research and specialist advertising advice .
3 Existing trade agreements between East Germany and east European countries ( especially the Soviet Union ) would have to remain in place for the time being , but imports under these agreements would have to be confined to the territory of East Germany .
4 Alternatively , the infection may be confined to the inside of the mouth , where it may not produce any symptoms , or may cause ulceration which is difficult to distinguish from ‘ aphthous ’ ulcers ( the small mouth ulcers that are so common and so difficult to treat ) .
5 Nature rarely operates in straight lines , and these should be confined to the boundaries of the garden — bamboo screens , pantiled walls — rather than intrude into the garden itself .
6 Who they were , and whether the party 's appeal should be confined to the quarter of a million or so who might be described as ‘ proletariat ’ was something that had yet to be defined .
7 If copies of the previous accounts or report have been laid or delivered the revisions must be confined to the correction of those respects in which they did not comply with the Act and the making of any consequential alterations .
8 While they still maintain feminist art history should raise ‘ fundamental questions for art history as a humanist discipline ’ , they do not believe feminist art history should be confined to the documentation of women artists ( as a form of additive history ) .
9 The remaining two immortals ( other than Deng himself ) , Peng Zhen ( 90 ) and Vice-President Whang Zhen ( 84 ) , were thought to favour reform as long as it could be confined to the sphere of economics rather than politics , a position similar to Deng 's own .
10 It is for this reason that I suggest therefore that the preferred areas of search should be confined to the corridors of Selby West or Selby East .
11 It may be that a gene 's effects , as a matter of fact , turn out to be confined to the succession of bodies in which the gene sits .
12 From these he was able to make the crucial observation that the disease tended to be confined to the practice of a small minority of midwives .
13 Fortunately our evaluation of Marxism does not have to be confined to the writings of Marx and Marxists .
14 There is , undoubtedly , a tension between cause and consequence , but no acceptable way in which significance can be confined to the realm of an expression and consequence of unity institutionally achieved .
15 Nostalgia for secret quests , obsessions , purity , past promises to keep at the expense of present obligations , these should be confined to the realm of fiction , I thought .
16 And such a sentence need n't be confined to the characters of the Bible ; words like those ought to be part of the way that you and I speak about our lives .
17 But the introduction and implementation of quality should not be confined to the design of products and the standard of service provided to customers .
18 Further , because the public interest is the root of corporate legitimacy demands for responsibility need not be confined to the avoidance of obvious forms of social harm , such as might result from pollution , dangerous products , or false advertising , but potentially embrace all exercises of social decision-making power by companies , the manifestations of which were considered earlier .
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