Example sentences of "be [vb pp] with the utmost [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Patterned fabrics may appeal to you , but they should be treated with the utmost caution .
2 Although we can state what percentage of total population the older age groups currently represent , it is not reliable to quote future percentages ; such predictions should be treated with the utmost caution .
3 The Dubliners will be treated with the utmost respect .
4 As the restructuring of the armed services proceeds , the displaced and redundant service men will continue to be treated with the utmost care and sensitivity , as the Prime Minister is well aware .
5 Mr Ridley said the action would be pursued with the utmost vigour .
6 I am sure that that money will be used with the utmost effect to promote more and more scientific developments at Southampton university .
7 To crown it all , the hand of Sir George Askwith , who chaired the conference , in which the union was represented by Cathery , Hopkins and Tom Chambers , the union 's general treasurer , could be seen in a provision that " In order that all questions which arise may be settled with the utmost promptitude , a Board of Arbitration has been appointed upon which the Mercantile Marine profession , both officers and men will be represented " .
8 Dr Schore says the most impressive statements he has read , inspiring him to investigate further the LM potencies , are the following , by Dr. Pierre Schmidt ‘ … but we must bear in mind that Hahnemann never says anything which has not been duly considered and thought out , and that all his words should be weighed with the utmost care . ’
9 Such contacts are likely to be discouraged if not banned by the system and will necessarily need to be handled with the utmost discretion .
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