Example sentences of "which forms [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 iii Preferably a building which forms a central focus for the area , i.e. library , community centre , church hall .
2 Normally the wall is protected by a waterproof viscoelastic layer of mucus which forms a continuous layer over the surface of the underlying mucosa ( Fig. 1 ) .
3 The tentacle pores of this latter group are open and often armed with small spine-like tentacle scales except in Ophiosparte which has open tentacle pores but a well developed tentacle scale which forms a continuous series with the arm spines .
4 There is a broad swathe of Mittelland in the form of rolling plateau country which forms a wide corridor along which modern roads and railways find their fastest and easiest passage between the country 's capital and the shores of Lake Geneva .
5 Marx was then preparing the elaborate drafts for Capital , which have been published in English under the title Grundrisse [ 1973 ] , or Foundations , an important part of which forms a separate book in English under the title Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations .
6 We concluded this chapter by discussing another aspect of language comprehension which forms a major part of pragmatic processing , namely the way in which understanding of what is spoken or written often involves going beyond an interpretation of what is explicitly stated .
7 Perhaps the most popular and satisfying allover floral scheme is the Lilihan design , which forms a substantial part of the repertoire of the Sarouk weavers of west central Persia .
8 Krashen ( 1981 ) has offered a set of postulates concerning second language acquisition which forms a coherent model of this language task and it is useful to consider how BSL satisfies the series of five hypotheses which Krashen sets out :
9 It is this commitment to visually focused investigation which forms a common thread amongst the scholars .
10 In its fully developed form , the acute phase response is illness — fever , malaise , anorexia , leukocytosis , negative nitrogen balance — which forms a cardinal response of the body to infection and trauma , and may be the result of many immunological reactions and inflammatory processes .
11 Absolon 's portrait thus ends with particular bathos when it transpires that he still can not escape the vulgar facts of the body 's nature , try as he might : This second instance of a marked word in the Miller 's Tale encourages a recall of the context of the first , Nicholas 's grabbing of Alison , and thus even before it has been dramatically explicated completes the second fabliau triangle , Nicholas — Alison — Absolon , which forms a symmetrical reflection of the first , Nicholas — Alison — John .
12 There is a stillness in these final scenes which forms a fine contrast with the earlier manic activity , a real sense of wonder as the dead come to life and the divided family are miraculously reunited .
13 A person who is mentally disordered appears to be liable for wrongs , unless his disorder excludes some specific state of mind which forms an essential part of the wrong .
14 The Swastika signifies a ‘ union of principles ’ — the infusion of spirit and matter which forms an essential aspect of Relativity , namely , energy and matter are one and interconvertible .
15 It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms an integral part of the treaty .
16 The microfilm camera , which forms an integral part of the set-up , would be available for use elsewhere , e.g. by Photographic Department .
17 Among surface of predators are the pelagic shoaling fish Pleurogramma antarcticum ( Figure 5.13 ) , which forms an important link between the plankton and the higher vertebrates .
18 There is now great momentum and enthusiasm from everyone in the project team which forms an excellent springboard for commissioning this year . ’
19 For many years residents on Hollyhurst Road , which forms the western boundary of the Memorial Hospital , have complained that hospital workers , out-patients , and visitors park outside the homes and driveways of residents .
20 The vineyards of Bisseuil are set some distance back from the village and grow at a height of about 160 metres on the south-east-facing slopes of Mont Aigu , which forms the eastern side of the Val d'Or in which Avenay is located .
21 From the crest of this ridge , a comprehensive view of the range unfolds : a magnificent panorama especially when the tops are under snow , the long array of peaks being seen across the deep trench of Loch Fannich which forms the southern boundary of the group over a distance of eight miles .
22 Of the total population of around 33,000 , some 11,000 live in the area north of the railway line which forms the southern boundary to the experimental area .
23 This moment is entirely cinematic and is Branagh 's own , concerned with the humanity which forms the real fibre of all big historical moments .
24 It is this lack in the Rules of Lautro of any such rights for persons affected which forms the general basis of the applicant 's complaint in these proceedings .
25 This southern route followed the arc-shaped line of islands which forms the outer limit of the Aegean world , an island-hopping route connecting Anatolia , Rhodes , Karpathos , Kasos , Andikithera and Lakonia , taking in the neolithic settlements of the eastern and northern coasts of Crete on the way .
26 More impressive are the recent reports from Perrett and Rolls ( Perrett , Rolls , and Caan 1982 ; Perrett , Smith , Potter , Mistlin , Head , Milner , and Jeeves 1985 ) that cells in the superior temporal sulcus , which forms the upper margin of the inferior temporal lobe , are often only responsive to faces or parts of faces .
27 As one can not induce inspiration ( some have tried in vain , using drugs or alcohol ) , all we can do here is write about the 99% of work and skill which forms the other part of melody writing .
28 It 's difficult to offer a fair assessment of the Interludes from Wolfgang Fortner 's opera Blutchochzeit ( ‘ Blood-Wedding ’ ) , which forms the other work on this disc .
29 The first National Government , the government which forms the focal point of most historical writing on the crisis , followed the collapse of the Labour government in August 1931 .
30 Now we hear he has joined the Labour Party , which forms the ruling group in an uneasy deal with the SNP .
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