Example sentences of "emerge [prep] [art] [num ord] half [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is working with IBM and Motorola Inc ( helping IBM with the new PowerPC RISC implementation ) on both hardware and AIX software , so that users of the new version of the Power RISC will all support compatible multi-processing implementations — something should emerge during the first half of next year .
2 Further evidence continued to emerge during the second half of 1989 that the world was becoming gradually warmer .
3 Bryan Wilson ( 1970 ) has contributed some very useful sub-divisions of the sect category and various sociologists have tried to classify the new religions that have emerged during the second half of the present century in an attempt to find some order in the enormous variety of beliefs , practices and organisations that are manifested in these movements ( eg Beckford , 1985 ; Wallis , 1983 ) .
4 BRITAIN 's biggest baker , Ranks Hovis McDougal , has emerged from the first half of 1992 much slimmer .
5 As Geoffrey Holmes has suggested , the demographic and economic underpinnings of stability were emerging in the second half of the seventeenth century — a stagnant population , years of agricul-tural plenty and a more buoyant economy meant that there was not the same pressure on resources and scarcity of food and employment which had caused such social distress and serious unrest in the late-Elizabethan and early-Stuart period .
6 Indeed , its constituent elements characterised and were inherited from the tradition of labourism that emerged in the second half of the nineteenth century ( Saville 1973 ) .
7 What emerged over the first half of the century was a financial system which , if limited by comparison with what was to develop over the next two centuries , was capable of mobilising substantial funds and of providing most of the essential services needed by a diversifying economy growing both in output and in sophistication .
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