Example sentences of "fail [to-vb] the necessary [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , plans to send members of the Japanese armed forces to the Gulf in a non-combat role had collapsed in November after Kaifu failed to secure the necessary bipartisan support for the measure 's approval in the House of Councillors — the upper chamber of the Diet — where the LDP lacked an overall majority .
2 A French proposal to turn the Antarctic into a whale sanctuary failed to win the necessary three-quarters majority for adoption , being supported by 19 countries and opposed by eight , but the proposal will be discussed again at next year 's meeting after a working group has met to discuss the boundaries of the sanctuary and other details .
3 The decision to lift the 1986 embargo on iron , steel and gold coins was taken in April 1991 [ see p. 38132 ] but implementation was delayed when the minority Danish government failed to win the necessary parliamentary support [ see p. 38318 ] .
4 Choosing the wrong technology , or failing to take the necessary adaptive measures in management , production or marketing can quickly lead to falling profits , dwindling market shares and finally to takeover or closure .
5 He also won majority support for early parliamentary elections , but failed to get the necessary absolute majority of all registered voters , so the proposal failed .
6 Robert Naish must have been disappointed at the members ' Extraordinary General Meeting on June 5th when his three-part motion failed to get the necessary 2:1 majority ( For 125 , Against 103 ) .
7 It is inevitably the case that these tend to be people who are not rich enough to engage in high-powered tax planning , or who , for lack of knowledge or advice , fail to take the necessary precautionary action .
8 In presidential elections held on April 8 , Mario Vargas Llosa , 54 , the internationally acclaimed novelist and candidate of the Democratic Front ( FREDEMO ) , won 27.61 per cent of the vote but failed to gain the necessary overall majority .
9 On May 13 the bill was approved by the Soviet of the Union , but failed to gain the necessary two-thirds majority in the Soviet of Nationalities .
10 Opposition parties failed to gain the necessary 201 votes to dismiss him , although they won the motion by 189 to 174 votes .
11 By deepening the partisan rift , the Thomas affair also cast its shadow over the Senate 's attempt to override the President , which failed to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority by two votes on Oct. 16 .
12 However , when the USSR Supreme Soviet convened for its third session on Feb. 14 , the Presidium unexpectedly failed to obtain the necessary two-thirds majority for a proposal to call the Congress of People 's Deputies into emergency session by the end of February to make the necessary constitutional changes .
13 Occhetto , leader of the PCI since 1988 , narrowly failed to secure the necessary 274 votes for election as secretary of the PDS in the first round of voting by the new party 's national council on Feb. 4 , mainly due to the absence of 132 members .
14 In the first round of voting on Jan. 12 Zhelev , backed by the ruling Union of Democratic Forces ( UDF ) of which he was a former chairman , had unexpectedly failed to win the necessary overall majority , but obtained 45 per cent as against 30 per cent for Valkanov and 17 per cent for the third-placed Georgi Ganchev , a former fencing champion who stood as an independent , in a field of 22 candidates .
15 Elections were thus scheduled for Nov. 18 in these five constituencies , and in seven others where candidates had failed to get the necessary minimum number of votes in the July 29 elections [ see p. 37656 ] .
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