Example sentences of "almost a [noun sg] [prep] [art] century " in BNC.

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1 Bramble was forty-five and had not been thus addressed for almost a quarter of a century .
2 Wilson , speaking at an Annual Conference almost a quarter of a century later summarised the experience of 1887–1894. " 1887 was a fairly good year .
3 Now , almost a quarter of a century later , she was suffering more than ever , because she could not forget , and because she needed to feel close to the ones she still loved .
4 FOR almost a quarter of a century we have been keeping records of farm fatalities .
5 When France and Spain made peace in 1659 after a struggle which had lasted for almost a quarter of a century it was agreed that their representatives , Cardinal Mazarin and Don Luis de Haro , should meet on a small island in the River Bidassoa , which separated their territories in the Pyrenees .
6 Ken appreciated it and for almost a quarter of a century afterwards they would be close friends .
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