Example sentences of "turn [art] blind eye [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Japanese authorities have turned a blind eye to the rapid expansion of their drift-net fleet .
2 For years , the authorities have turned a blind eye to the slaughter , maintaining that it was a quaint custom which would eventually die out .
3 And turned a blind eye to the sinking S** .
4 Rex turned a blind eye to the fact that he was obviously Officer Cecil , poorly disguised in false moustache , tailcoat and spats .
5 Members of the Academy turned a blind eye to the black marketeers , because the Seven Planets needed food and supplies and the corporations would n't trade with independent worlds .
6 He seems to be obsessed with investing every penny , while at the same time turning a blind eye to the needs of his growing family .
7 Their attempts to impose conditions on a man like Henry VIII only show how far , in the initial stages , they were turning a blind eye to the implications of their policy .
8 Significantly , farmers — generally reliable Tory supporters — are blaming the Government for the sins of Brussels and appear to be turning a blind eye to the Liberal Democrats ' pro-European stance .
9 It worries me that turning a blind eye to the deliberate starvation of these patients is portrayed as contributing in some way to the high ethical standards of the nursing profession . ’
10 It can sometimes mislead people who perceive clearly the fallacies the metaphor invites and therefore reject it altogether , turning a blind eye to the true insight it encapsulates .
11 There is no question of the SFA turning a blind eye to the incident …
12 And while the British Government was turning a blind eye to the export of machine tools from Matrix Churchill , Dr Al-Habobi was happy to report his success to Saddam Hussein .
13 For their part , the Conservative-dominated National governments of Baldwin and Chamberlain in Britain , engaged in their policies of appeasement towards the fascist powers , were anxious to prevent the Spanish war from spreading , even at the cost of turning a blind eye to the involvement of Italy , Germany and the Soviet Union .
14 By turning a blind eye to the activities of moderate Puritan laymen and clergy while at the same time dealing harshly with Presbyterian extremists , king and archbishop ensured that the first fifteen years of Abbot 's primacy were some of the most tranquil in the religious sphere during the entire century following the break with Rome ( see Chapter 7 ) .
15 Rather than turning a blind eye to the polishers and legislating against the scuffers , we should more logically allow no interference … on either side of the ball .
16 Reports persisted throughout May that the security forces were turning a blind eye to the activities of Zulu mobs in the townships , allegedly waiting to respond until local citizens retaliated against the Zulus ' attacks .
17 In a report published on Sept. 18 , the human rights organization Amnesty International stated that it was time that the United States and the international community stopped " turning a blind eye to the flagrant human rights abuses committed by the Mexican government " .
18 Environmentalists claim that the Russian authorities , desperate for foreign investment , are turning a blind eye to the logging companies ' many breaches of the country 's nature protection laws European 22-25 October
19 The rules stipulate clubs must field the strongest team available , but the FA turns a blind eye as the top teams clearly do not do so .
20 The label also turns a blind eye to the live tapes released by the band .
21 Though mercy killing is still officially illegal , the law turns a blind eye to the 2.4 per cent of Dutch deaths which are accounted for by it .
22 We continue to turn a blind eye to the architecture with no name , preferring instead to attack the buildings that future generations will admire .
23 Choosing to turn a blind eye to the unlikely drama that was unfolding a few feet in front of her , she merely expressed her gratitude for the imitation topaz bangle that she 'd just unwrapped , before turning on her heels and heading downstairs to catch the special seasonal episode of Crossroads .
24 The aristocracy have found that out to their cost and that 's why they 're often willing to turn a blind eye to the occasional by-blow , provided it 's handled discreetly .
25 He would prefer to turn a blind eye to the problem of asylum seekers around the world .
26 Governments turn a blind eye to the thousands of poverty-stricken families that migrate to the forest every year .
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