Example sentences of "within [art] [adj] confines of the " in BNC.

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1 In effect , those who operated from within the comfy confines of the constitutional approach , froze the constitution when the set-up is never fixed .
2 The navigator ( Sgt. Alexander ) , in spite of being wedged within the narrow confines of the glass nose , managed to scramble out , and descended safely by parachute .
3 Stiff westerly winds made forward passage difficult , and the little boats had to tack this way and that within the narrow confines of the Strait 's exit , before the funnel began to widen and the open sea to present itself Magellan , now perfectly confident of his discovery , named the waters Estrecho do Todos los Santos — All Saints ' Strait .
4 But this is the penalty all pioneers must suffer , for we all operate within the narrow confines of the knowledge and attitudes of our day , and before condemning us entirely , it is to be hoped that future students will appreciate that their own work would be that much more difficult , but for the solid foundations so meticulously laid down by John Pearson Gillam .
5 Like the Cortes , opened in 1943 , the Fuero de los Españoles was designed to give the appearance of a certain free-play but , in reality , always within the Procrustean confines of the Francoist system .
6 On 24 June Dulles himself — within the secret confines of the American administration and at the height of Anglo-American differences at the Geneva conference — conceded that , in contrast to the unpopularity of the " tough " American anti-communist policies in the free world , " the British 'soft policy' was gaining prestige and acceptance both in Europe and in Asia " .
7 Joyce and Rourke spent their days looking noticeable within the boozy confines of The Haçienda .
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