Example sentences of "should be addressed [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Three questions about the social dimension should be addressed to the Government .
2 Comments on the application should be addressed to the North East Thames Regional Health Authority , 40 Eastbourne Terrace , London W2 3QR .
3 They can be sent to London or Washington and should be addressed to the Editor .
4 Applications in writing , enclosing a curriculum vitae and the names of two referees , should be addressed to the administrator , Brewing Research Foundation , Lyttel Hall , Nutfield , Redhill , Surrey RH HY .
5 Applications should be addressed to the Clerk to the Governors , c/o the School Office , before midday on Monday 24 September .
6 A councillor resigns his office by notice in writing signed by him and delivered to the chief executive or clerk of the authority , except in the case of a parish , town or community councillor when it should be addressed to the chairman of the council .
7 This should be addressed to the Acquisitions Unit .
8 Enquiries about entrance or curriculum should be addressed to The Faculty Officer , Faculty of Music , Alison House , Nicolson Square , Edinburgh EH8 9DF .
9 Patrick Minford , professor of economics at Liverpool University , a leading free marketeer and monetarist , and one of the ‘ seven wise men ’ recently appointed to advise the Treasury , points out that complaints of unfair subsidies within the EC should be addressed to the Brussels competition authorities .
10 Any queries about your pension should be addressed to the DSS overseas branch at Newcastle Central Office , Longbenton , Newcastle upon Tyne NE98 1YX .
11 Enquiries for further information should be addressed to The Admissions Officer , Faculty of Veterinary Medicine , Royal ( Dick ) School of Veterinary Studies , Summerhall , Edinburgh EH9 1QH .
12 Queries relating to this matter should be addressed to the Librarian .
13 Secondly , the planning department has a role at the business level by determining the key environmental issues which should be addressed by the business units .
14 As a matter of prudence , the matter should be addressed in the partnership agreement itself ( Clause 23 ) preferably by leaving all decisions , as to the time , manner and content of notifications , to the continuing partners .
15 This should be addressed in the offer letter given to the vendor .
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