Example sentences of "so far as [pron] [vb mod] tell " in BNC.

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1 So far as we can tell , the men-folk ruled in every sphere ; but it may be that the further one got from the world of high feudalism the less of a slave the woman became ; it is certainly true , in a rather different way , that the Norman Conquest brought both a more complete feudalism and a fall in the status of women .
2 But the common story , so far as we can tell , was of a prospering contado helping a few of the citizens to be successful merchants , carrying local market goods and some from longer distances ; and if Francis ' father had not been a successful merchant trading into France , the saint would not have borne the name he did , nor suffered the intense reaction to his father 's worldly values which helped to inspire him on the path to poverty and heaven .
3 The English fyrd was used in the Danish wars , but only later , so far as we can tell , as a local militia in emergencies .
4 He was not , so far as we can tell , putting forward the idea as a serious theory : his purpose was to tell a good story .
5 The argument is that we or others have made mistakes in the past or would make them in circumstances which , so far as we can tell , are not relevantly different from our present circumstances .
6 Who ( or what sort of audience ) must the implied addressee(s) be , so far as we can tell from the passage itself ?
7 On the eve of the crisis , most politicians , political commentators and — so far as we can tell — citizens remained sceptical that the sixty-seven year old General would ever play a major role in politics again .
8 Hailing each other , they found that they had come to the same conclusion : that so far as they could tell , in the gloom and confusion , the night was theirs , the camp completely broken up , the enemy scattered and leaderless and unlikely to rally now .
9 So far as one can tell from the scanty evidence available they had been something short of that .
10 ‘ And , so far as one can tell , he regretted it ever after . ’
11 They had come , so far as she could tell , west and north , perhaps far enough north to turn west , that was all .
12 No one , so far as she could tell , hugged the doorways , folded into the shadows .
13 But only the occasional innocent — so far as she could tell — twang of the springs of the hideous black and red sofa punctuated the interview .
14 ‘ Mostly , so far as I can tell , they turn a blind eye .
15 Out of this confusion emerge two major problems that , so far as I can tell , are here to stay .
16 So far as I can tell , and that 's not as far as I 'd like , on the last few Fridays he 's not been going to any other bank or finance house .
17 And so far as I can tell , you know , from looking at my children 's schooling , the girls seem to be good at maths in the early stages .
18 These occasions , so far as I could tell , brought neither of us any pleasure .
19 The pancake , so far as I could tell , was a mixture of potato , cabbage , onion and seasonings .
20 In all my texts and documents , there were , so far as I could tell , no moments of pure , unfettered subjectivity ; indeed , the human subject itself began to seem remarkably unfree , the ideological product of the relations of power in a particular society .
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