Example sentences of "not involve the [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Merchant bank Where the transaction is a private one and does not involve the issue of securities it may be possible to proceed without a merchant bank , although , under the FSA , an authorised person will be needed to approve the offer document .
2 Organization need not involve the importation of para-professionals , the compulsory centralization of materials and equipment , or an authority-wide standardization of all procedures ( although in particular instances a good case can be argued for each of these examples ) .
3 Basically , there are two types of identifying references to particulars : one involving the use of " demonstratives " ( demonstrative pronouns , personal pronouns , adverbs such as " here " , " there " , " today " etc. ) ; the other relying on descriptions that do not involve the use of demonstratives ; one speaker-related , the other " impersonal " .
4 ‘ Wolfson 's policy could be seen as an inducement to people to devise experiments which do not involve the use of animals , and almost everyone would agree that that is a good idea ’ , he says .
5 A statement of source and application of funds with comparatives is required in financial statements intended to give a true and fair view of the financial position and profit or loss , except for enterprises with a turnover or gross income of less than £25,000 The statement should show the profit or loss for the period , together with the adjustments required for items which did not involve the movement of funds .
6 The statement should show the profit or loss for the period , together with the adjustments required for items which did not involve the movement of funds .
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