Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [adv] [be] remembered [that] " in BNC.

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1 It should also be remembered that the Branch had already made a donation some 10 years ago of more than £13,000 to Richard Peck House .
2 In connection with this it should also be remembered that all popular places , all sites actually used by the people , tend to retain the best routine of antiquity very much more than any localities or machines used by any privileged class .
3 It should also be remembered that , until legislation was introduced which prohibited the use of most lead fishing weights , the number of swans dying from lead poisoning had reached critical proportions .
4 It should also be remembered that newspaper people work very fast — the very latest news is always the most desirable , as is instanced by the occasional ‘ scoop ’ of the event which has not yet even happened .
5 It should also be remembered that the Inland Revenue officers are always willing to give advice , and even to assist an elderly person with the completion of their income-tax return if necessary .
6 It should also be remembered that anyone , married or single , who is maintaining or accommodating a dependent relative over 65 ( or a mother or mother-in-law on her own ) is entitled to claim a tax allowance .
7 Although no specific percentages were mentioned in the Act , the government had originally intended that the whole of the national curriculum should occupy 70 per cent of the timetable ; but it should also be remembered that religious education has been mandatory since 1944 and remains so .
8 It should also be remembered that during the 14 years that the African elephant was listed on Appendix II , some 700,000 elephants were slaughtered .
9 I should also , erm , it should also be remembered that those with special health needs , may require to use more water .
10 It should also be remembered that the spectral reflectance curve of living vegetation will change continuously throughout the growing season .
11 It should also be remembered that teachers are always assessing their pupils ' performance on a daily basis and will know their pupils well over the period of time .
12 It should also be remembered that s 19(l) ( a ) of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927 provides that where there is a covenant , condition or agreement against assigning , underletting , charging or parting with possession of the premises or any part thereof without licence or consent , this is deemed to be subject to a proviso to the effect that such licence or consent is not to be unreasonably withheld .
13 It should also be remembered that if an SRO is thought to be acting inappropriately , i.e. if it is subject to regulatory capture , then the SIB can simply revoke its status .
14 With equal division , the wealth inherited by the next generation is It should however be remembered that the process by which wealth is divided may be considerably influenced by public policy .
15 ( As to the last , it should perhaps be remembered that both the collected credit operators and some of the finance houses have this facility too , although Mr Langhorn said only the agencies do it . )
16 When reclaiming such land , it may be necessary to provide the first pioneer crops with a direct injection of nutrients through chemical fertilizers but it should always be remembered that the aim is to build up the life in the soil so that it can provide its own fertility within the land potential .
17 It should always be remembered that the official takes his instructions from the council and its committees only and not from individual councillors .
18 It should always be remembered that the man was a Gentile .
19 Thirdly , it should always be remembered that control is a negative and parasitic activity .
20 It should always be remembered that amplification is there to serve , not to dominate the congregation , and to enhance and not simply to magnify the artistry of musicians .
21 While great emphasis has rightly been placed on the active involvement of the pupils in their learning , it should always be remembered that there is still a place for the teacher to convey a feel for an event or person by presenting the story .
22 It must also be remembered that the working life of what we might regard as identical batteries tends to vary .
23 It must also be remembered that in both jurisdictions self-regulatory codes of conduct prohibiting insider dealing provide further incentives to trade fairly .
24 It must also be remembered that the fundamental duty imposed on the police is to prevent a breach of the peace .
25 In spite of the fact that Champion ( 1981 , 20 ) has argued that ‘ some of the most spectacular changes have occurred in those rural areas which are relatively remote from traditional metropolitan influences ’ it must also be remembered that the extra numbers in the remote areas are relatively modest , compared with those in the outer margins of the main centres of population , as shown in Figure 5.3 , and that most of the population growth has been strongly associated with smaller towns and accessible settlements in the countryside both in England ( OPCS , 1981b ) and Ireland ( Duffy , 1983 ) .
26 It must also be remembered that the voluntary sector has an important role as critic and that this may be impeded by interweaving .
27 But it must also be remembered that this statement was made after his involvement with Surrealism and that he might not have phrased his reactions in precisely this way in earlier years .
28 It must also be remembered that they have certain rights while in the Department 's care not only in physical terms but also in relation to information which is held by the Department about them as individuals .
29 It must also be remembered that the computer installation was new in that the company had only recently " gone " IBM .
30 Now this spread of a uniform facies is remarkable enough , but it must also be remembered that chalk is a very unusual sediment : an extremely pure coccolith limestone which is almost unique in the stratigraphical column .
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