Example sentences of "have to rely on [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rebecca 's body has already rejected two kidneys , and she has to rely on a daily cocktail of drugs
2 However , he would not have been around to negotiate with the RAF and would have had to rely on a tenuous radio link with the LRDG main base .
3 Over most of the country , anti-racist reforms within schools have had to rely on the political commitment of white teachers .
4 Since the start of NEP schoolteachers had had to rely on the local mir , skhod , or Soviet for their pay .
5 In others , where the courts have been unable to find any contract between the parties , the courts have had to rely on an equitable doctrine of confidence .
6 We should not have to rely on the private sector to assist in providing facilities especially as , currently in many cases it does not provide such facilities .
7 But in order to avoid having to rely on a null result , Honey and Hall ( 1989 c ) conducted a further study which attempted to eliminate problems of this sort by making use of the second of the within-subjects designs presented in Table 5.1 .
8 I am sure that if we could have met , all estrangement would have vanished instantly ; but , having to rely on the written word ( and that in the cramped space of air-letters which took so long to come and go ) , and missing expression of face and tone of voice , to which we were both very sensitive , we kept up our guard for a time .
9 Therefore , in this context there are clearly two classes of confidential information when the employer is having to rely on the implied duty in order to protect his business secrets .
10 Whereabouts in the model would damage cause a patient to have to rely on the non-lexical procedure for reading ?
11 This meant that people were no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory Church officials ; laymen especially were developing a personal spirituality which gave them a new confidence and commitment to their faith and which also enabled them to form an independent view of theology and Church organisation ; they no longer had to rely on the educated establishment .
12 Their small eyes and poor eyesight , combined with their often murky environment , means they have to rely on a short-range echolocation system to find food .
13 It 's an anomaly that a ) we want the parabear to descend safely and not too far distant , while b ) we have to rely on a fair breeze to elevate the lifting kite and carry the droppable load .
14 University departments operating within close margins with respect to staffing and clinical resources have to rely on a large measure of good will to achieve continued high standards in teaching and evaluation , which can be difficult to sustain if , for example , reappointments of staff are delayed .
15 Whatever the rights and wrongs of this debate , the fact remains that we do not live in a perfect world and , like it or not , we have to rely on a large amount of data derived from animals .
16 We have to rely on the occasional incident of this kind occurring naturally , and study that .
17 To achieve their objective , they have to rely on the efficient working of the price mechanism such that prices give them the appropriate ‘ signals ’ .
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