Example sentences of "be [vb pp] at the outset [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was through their influence that Goodricke was appointed as minister-resident to Sweden in 1758 ; he had to wait in Copenhagen until 1764 before the Swedish government resumed diplomatic relations with Britain that had been severed at the outset of the Seven Years ' War .
2 At face value this passage asserts that in such a case the appellant/respondent is entitled to raise before the House of Lords any issue on which leave had been granted at the outset of the appeal and which was raised before but left unresolved by the Court of Appeal .
3 It had been forged at the outset in a very cordial meeting that the two men had at Colombey in September 1958 .
4 Since no firm of solicitors can ever afford to retain the services of any employee or partner whose conduct tends to reflect ill on the reputation of the practice , and since the circumstances may rarely be so clear cut as to secure withdrawal from the firm by consent , thorough consideration must be given at the outset to the conditions for expelling partners .
5 Yet two facts must be stressed at the outset with relation to this problem in inter-war Britain .
6 Decisions should be made at the outset on what is to be covered in the programme .
7 If you require payments on account of costs or in advance of disbursements , or you reserve the right to raise hourly rates during the lifetime of the case , the client must be told at the outset of the case .
8 There is an important distinction to be drawn at the outset in the support arrangements for students in further and higher education .
9 In the interest of the student and the employee , this situation call easily be remedied at the outset by offering all new trainees a contract which extends six months beyond the due date of completion of training .
10 Nevertheless , the ground rules for ‘ ownership ’ must be established at the outset of any involvement .
11 If we are able to provide a replacement then the Policyholder should be advised at the outset of our intentions , but the suggestion of replacement should not be used as a negotiating factor .
12 The strikes were sparked off by the rank and file , most were unofficial , and often they were resisted at the outset by national trade union leaderships .
13 There are certain obvious differences between the first two models , the most significant being the basis of their construction , ie the first is demand driven , relies on an accurate assessment of costs , and is not concerned with financial constraints ; the second is constrained at the outset by the finance that is available , restricting resource levels regardless of the actual needs of Colleges .
14 Indeed , it is the purpose of this article to suggest that what was alleged at the outset to be the general principle , that of self-determination , is in fact the exception .
15 However , it was agreed at the outset of this appeal by Mr. Leonard that these two latter matters would only arise for consideration in the event that his contentions upon his first and principal ground of appeal were upheld in this court ; and in the circumstances we heard argument from both sides upon that ground separately and distinct from the remainder of the matters raised in this appeal .
16 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
17 On the one hand as was mentioned at the outset of this chapter and in Chapter 2 , the physical relationships which determine rates of soil erosion have been examined within natural science disciplines of hydrology , agricultural engineering and agricultural botany .
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