Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [art] peasants ' " in BNC.

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1 The commercialization of peasant agriculture had been fostering such differentiation long before Stolypin threw his weight behind it , yet it had done nothing to temper the ferocity of the peasants ' attack upon the nobility in 1905 .
2 The summer of 1381 saw the outbreak of the Peasants ' Revolt in England , an uprising against the government of the day , to whose causes the financial demands of war and the inability ( or unwillingness ? ) of the royal administration to defend adequately the coast of southern England against French and Castilian incursions of increasing frequency and intensity certainly contributed .
3 The chair of the Peasants ' Party , Yury Chernichenko , read an appeal to Yeltsin , which protested against the appointment of collective and state farm chairmen to head the commissions for the privatization of state and collective farms .
4 Such is found to be the effectiveness of having a second person-in-role ( usually another teacher ) that Newcastle upon Tyne Drama Advisory Team have cultivated the idea of offering a ‘ character ’ to the local schools ( they call it ‘ Rent-a-role ’ , so that a class in a primary school , say , working on the topic of The Peasants ' Revolt can — with sufficient notice of course ! — ask one of the team to come into the school as Wat Tyler ) .
5 The authorities also gave themselves the most important voice on the gentry committees which were to decide on land boundaries and the size of the peasants ' payments .
6 We have already noted Miliutin 's desire to maintain the size of the peasants ' landholdings .
7 Instead of speaking of " the emancipation of the peasants " , the rescript referred only to " the improvement of the peasants ' way of life " .
8 Nevertheless , three marshland villages in Essex led the way in the Peasants ' Revolt of 1381 ; Sedgemoor will always be associated with Monmouth , s Rebellion ; and agitations against fen drainage played a small , but significant , part in both the career of Oliver Cromwell and the origins of the English Revolution .
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