Example sentences of "bears [art] striking [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Initially , there was a close range try from Tony Keegan and then a superb handling move involving sleight of hand from Martin Smith — an Old Edwardian who bears a striking resemblance to the Leicester maestro , Les Cusworth - resulted in Rupert Moon plunging over .
2 Indeed the distribution of votes across the three parties in 1983 bears a striking resemblance to the elections of 1923 and of 1929 ( Table 10.4 ) .
3 Several wild song thrushes in different parts of Britain — and some blackbirds too — have been heard singing a new song that bears a striking resemblance to the distinctive electronic warble of British Telecom 's ‘ trimphones ’ .
4 ‘ My safety was my priority , ’ said Lizzie , who bears a striking resemblance to her sister .
5 ‘ I thought ‘ You must be very calm , you must not antagonise your aggressor , just try to be calm and keep sensible , and always think what you are saying before you say it ’ , ’ said Lizzie , of Oxford , who bears a striking resemblance to her sister .
6 ERIC CANTONA bears a striking resemblance to the baubles on your Christmas tree — glossy , fragile and in need of careful handling .
7 The European cuckoo , with its grey plumage and barred underside , bears a striking resemblance to the predatory sparrowhawk , pictured below .
8 Although in profile and painted , rather than in relief , it bears a striking resemblance to the Alletio sherd from Corbridge .
9 And yet this type of ambiguity bears a striking resemblance to the scope ambiguities described above .
10 I wonder if he 's looked in the minutes of the council er for this time twelve months ago er when we proposed a very similar amendment to the one that 's on the board there , the figures are reduced er but certainly lots of the areas are actually there and in fact if he looked back even further in the minutes he 'll see that it bears a striking resemblance to what we actually proposed on the fourteenth of February nineteen ninety one .
11 Chester 's Gateway Theatre is looking for a mild-mannered all round good-egg who bears a striking resemblance to the former Everton striker .
12 Liz Robertson ( Maria ) , a veteran musical performer , bears a striking resemblance to Julie Andrews .
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